Native Land Act
This created "reserves" in South Africa. 67% of the population was required to live on 7% of the nation's land. Africans could not own land outside of the reserves. Sharecropping was outlawed. -
National Party founded
This was created in order to rally Afrikaners against the government. -
National Party takes power
They won the general election and DF Malan is appointed prime minister. This helped pave the way for apartheid. -
Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
The act was designed to promote the separation of the races by outlawing sexual relations and procreation between the different populations.The act made it illegal for White South Africans to marry people of other races. -
Group Areas Act
It was designed to bring about the total residential segregation of the different racial groups in urban areas, specifically by removing non-Whites from inner city areas that would henceforth be designated as Whites-only area -
Bantu Education Act
This new law made it mandatory for schools to admit children from one racial group only, and brought the education of Africans under the control of the Native Affairs Department. It made a system of entirely separate school boards for each race, making each have a different curriculum. -
The Sharpeville Massacre
White policemen opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators outside a police station at a township on the outskirts of Vereenging. A total of 69 unarmed demonstrators were killed, including 8 women and 10 children, and 186 people were injured. It was an event that caused shock around the world as well as in South Africa. -
Sabotage Act
This act gave the government power to arrest anyone it believed threatened the security of the country. -
The 90 Day Act
This act allowed the government to detain people without charges or trials for up to 90 days. -
Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in prison
As members of the ANC were looking over a proposal in their Riviona headquarters the police surprised them and found documents that doomed the ANC leadership. 9 people, including Mandela, were tried in the Riviona Trial. The accused admitted that they were involved in the sabotage and that they had been looking into the possibility of guerrilla warfare. The trial sentenced Mandela and 7 others to life in prison.