End apartheid now

Apartheid in South Africa

  • Period: to

    The Scramble for Africa

    European countrys scrambled to buy parts of Africa.
  • The Battle of Muizenberg

    The Battle of Muizenberg
    The Battle of Muizenberg was between the british and the dutch people.
  • South Africa is divided into teritories

    South Africa is divided into teritories
    South Africs is divided into 19 territories by the british.
  • the Boer wars

    the Boer wars
    The inevitable war is between the original dutch decendents and britain.
  • Rolihlahla Mandela

    Rolihlahla Mandela
    Rolihlahla Mandela is born no one knows that one day he will bring couth africa out of it's Aparthied.
  • Dr. D.F. Malan’s nationalist party

    Dr. D.F. Malan’s nationalist party
    Dr. D.F. Malan’s nationalist party is elected is elected into action.
  • First Wave of Laws

    First Wave of Laws
    Laws were put into place but recived no attention from other countries.
  • Beginning Nelson's life in Prision

    Beginning Nelson's life in Prision
    After the Sharpeville Massacre in 1960 Nelson is sent to prision
  • The SHarpsville Massacre

    70 black protesters are killed whill protesting aparthied.
  • Declaring that it is a republic

    Declaring that it is a republic
    In 1961 declares that it is republic from britain.
  • Mandelea aressted for treason.

    Mandelea aressted for treason.
    Nelson Mandela is arested for his role in the bombings whitch to he was innocent
  • protests in sowato

    More protests leave more than 600 black people dead.
  • About Twenty thousand Studend peacefully protest aparthied

    About Twenty thousand Studend peacefully protest aparthied
    About Twenty thousand Studend peacefully protest aparthied and afterprotestkng are shot by white people.
  • F. W. de Klerk replaced P. W. Botha as president

    F. W. de Klerk replaced P. W. Botha as president
    F. W. de Klerk replaced P. W. Botha as president and is the leader of the Nationalist group.
  • The End of Afarthied

    The End of Afarthied
    Aparthied Ended when President F.W. de Klerk formalyt rejected apattheid and all lasw put in place ever.
  • Everyone is allowed to vote

    Everyone is allowed to vote
    All people of South africa are allowed to vote.