Founding of the ANC
The government that took over when Africa switched to democacy. Its aim was to fight or the rights of black South Africans -
Congress Youth Leauge founded
Founded by Nick Gambart, Ashley Peter Mda, Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, and Oliver Tambo. It marked the rise of a new generation of leadership of South Africas Black Africa population. -
Defiance Campaign
Focused on unjust and descrimitory laws. Around 8,500 protestors were imprisoned, including Nelson Mandela. -
Albert Luthuli wins the Nobel Peace Prize
He won for his leadership in Black Resistance. -
Sharpeville Massacre
South African police opened fire on approximatly 300 demonstrators, who were protesting against the pass laws. At least 180 Black Africans were injured and 69 killed. -
Spear of the nation formed
This has been the ruling party of post-apartheid South Africa on the national level since 1994. -
Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in prison.
Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for charges of sabatoge. He served 27 years and was released in 1990. -
The Soweto Uprising
High school students in soweto, south africa, protested for better education. Police responded by firing rounds into the crowds. -
Steve biko dies in police custody
He had been transported 740 miles for medical attention after a seven day hunger strike. -
Desmond tutu wins the nobel peace prize
won for his role as a unifying leader fugure in the campaign to ressolbe the problem of apartheid in south africa
1.equal civil rights for all
2.the ablolition of south africas passprt laws
3.a common system of education
4.the forced deporttation from south africa to so called homelands (bantusans) -
nelson madela is released from prison
he was put on rial for charges of sabnelson mandelaatoge he was sentenced to life in prison . in 1990 the new president ordered the release of