

  • James Cook

    James Cook
    James Cook became the first person to navigate across the antarctic circle and proceed to circumnavigate the continent of antarctica.
  • Fabian Gottlieb von Bellinghausen

    1819-21: Fabian was the first person to see the continent of antarctica, three days before Edward Bransfield followed by Nathaniel Palmer 10 months later.
  • British, French and American Expeditions

    1830-40: Individually run British, French and American expeditions to Antarctica confirms it officially as a continent. This was done by sailing the whole of the coastline.
  • Failed Attempts

    1901-04: Captain Robert Falcon Scott (from the United Kingdom) attempts to lead his first expedition to the South Pole alongside Ernest Shackleton and Edward Wilson. Their attempt failed when they were forced to turn back at 82 degrees south because of scurvy and snow blindness.
  • Ernest Shackleton

    1907-09: Ernest Shackleton leads an expedition to 88 degrees south, the furthest we have reached to the South pole to date. Douglas Mawson also reached the South Magnetic Pole on this mission and becomes the first person to climb Antarctica's Mount Erebus.
  • The South Pole Finally in Reach

    The South Pole Finally in Reach
    Roald Amundsen finally achieves the goal of Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton by officially reaching the South Pole. Scott's team are devastated by the news, and sadly do not ever make it home.
  • Australian Involvement

    1911-14: Mawson brings his knowledge of Antarctica to lead the Australasian Scientific Antarctic Expedition (Australia's first involvement in the exploration of the icy continent). They used innovative aircraft and radio.
  • Mapping the Continent

    1929-31: Mawson again helps lead the British, Australian and New Zealand expedition to explore and map the coastline of Antarctica. This section become the Australian Antarctic Territory (a large portion of 42% of the continent).
  • Significant Steps

    1957-58: During 1957-1958 12 nations had established 50 stations in Antarctica showing shared international interest in cooperation to use further understand Antarctica. Vivian Fuchs and Edmund Hillary finally successfully cross the land via the South Pole (completing Shackleton's goal).
  • The Antarctic Treaty

    The Antarctic Treaty
    The Antarctic Treaty is created and signed by 12 countries (Australia included). The treaty officially comes into force in 1961 and Australia is recognised for their contribution to negotiations.
  • The Madrid Protocol

    The Madrid Protocol
    This Protocol enters into force to prevent nations from taking advantage of Antarctica's natural resources. It seeks to prevent mining and promote the use of Antarctica for peaceful and scientific reasons.