
Antarctic exploration

  • Captin James Cook

    Captin James Cook
    Captin James Cook and his Crew became the first men to cross the Antarctic circle.
  • Amundsen

    Race to the South Pole!! The first successful trip was led by Roald Amundsen.
  • Robert Scott

    Robert Scott
    Scott died on his way back to his ship.
  • Endurance

    The 'Endurance' leaves the icy island, South Georgia, and reaches the Antarctic penninsular.
  • Endurance

    The 'Endurance' get crushed by th ice and th crushed ship is abondoned.
  • Endurance

    The 'Endurance' sinks.
  • Shackltoin

    Ernest Shacklton died on South Georgia Island, at age 47, going back to visit Antarctica.
  • Roald Anumdsen

    Roald Anumdsen
    Roald Amundsen died.
  • Period: to

    Beginning of settlement

    The first perminent settlement happened around this time.
  • Baby

    The first baby was born on the continent.