1 CE
Beggining of anorexia
The first day into anorexia you won't feel the much of a change other than you'll feel very hungry -
First week into anorexia
In the first week you'll still feel a bit angry but you will refuse to eat, also you will become a little bit skinny -
Week 2
On this week you'll continue to refuse to eat, you'll also probably become dizzy, your muscles will become weaker and your skin will become dry. -
1 month
The first month of anorexia you will lose a lot of weight, you will start to get used to not eating and therefore you will not feel hungry and eating will be out pf your daily life. -
3 months
After 3 months probably some of your bones will be exposed and you will be very skinny. -
Rehabilitation day 1
Assuming you want to rehabilitate, you will assist a rehabilitation center, there the doctors will make sure you are mentally okay and if you are the doctors will put a diet to you. -
First week into rehabilitation.
In the first week you will start eating, it make you feel weird, you might even vomit because your body is not used to eating. -
Second week in rehabilitation
In the second week your diet will have more food in it and you'll start to gain weight and you'll start getting more used to eating -
3 months into rehabilitation
In the third month you will practically almost gain your normal weight, but you will still have some mental damages due to the disorder but you will almost be back to normal