Annotated Time Line of Inventions

  • steamboat

    Steamboat, any watercraft propelled by steam, but more narrowly, a shallow-draft paddle wheel steamboat widely used on rivers in the 19th century, and particularly on the Mississippi River and its principal tributaries in the United States
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    The cotton gin made the cotton industry of the South explode. Before its invention, separating cotton fibers from its seeds was a labor-intensive and unprofitable venture. After Whitney unveiled his cotton gin, processing cotton became much easier, resulting in greater availability and cheaper cloth.
  • steam locomotive

    steam locomotive
    Steam locomotives are vehicles that run on rails or tracks and are powered by steam engines. They were historically used for moving freight and other materials, as well as passengers.
  • gas light

    gas light
    used for light so it was not so dark and they could see so they would not get lost at night
  • matches

    made it easyer to make fires in the winter also very dangerouse for some and could cause forest fires
  • swewing muchine

    swewing muchine
    used to make clothes for the winter so no one would go cold in the winter very helpfull
  • mechanical reaper

    mechanical reaper
    The mechanical reaper was invented by Cyrus McCormick in 1831. This machine was used by farmers to harvest crops mechanically. ... The McCormick mechanical reaper replaced the manual cutting of the crop with scythes and sickles. This new invention allowed wheat to be harvested quicker and with less labor force
  • wrench

    Wrenches are made in various shapes and sizes and are used for gripping, fastening, turning, tightening and loosening things like pipes, pipe fittings, nuts and bolts. There are basically two major kinds of wrenches: Pipe wrenches used in plumbing for gripping round (cylindrical) thing
  • mores code

    mores code
    Morse Code is a detailed system of dots, dashes, and spaces used to represent numbers, punctuation, and letters of the alphabet. It is used both as a code and a way to communicate without the ability or need to use actual characters
  • doughnuts

    to be good and food to eat and very yummy. crispy cream doughnuts are east doughnuts and thats why there so good but dunkin doughnuts is not that good and only good if you dip it in coffe