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Angel Island Autobiography, M. Gehr

By GehrTUX
  • Birth

    I was born on February 25, 1871 in a small village in Vietnam. As a child I worked with my parents on their farm. We were always poor. On June 11, 1980, when I was 19, I made the courageous decision to come over to America. I was leaving my pregnant wife and my parents. I came over to America to get money for my family, and get a new job. I’m writing this autobiography so people can hear my story of how and why I came over to America.
  • Kissing Post

    Kissing Post
    When I came over to America I left my pregnant wife. My wife told me that after she had her baby she would come over to America. Since there is no communication really for about 2 weeks I went to the kissing post waiting to see if she would come home. On July 25, 1880, like every normal day, I went to the kissing post, and there she was. My beautiful wife, Ming, carrying our beautiful baby, Wen. I was so happy to see them I gave them a huge kiss. Happily, I brought them home to my apartment.
  • My skyscraper job

    My skyscraper job
    After about a couple of days of searching for a job I finally found one. It had low pays, long hours, and risks of losing my life, but I needed money. The people are really racist to me about being Chinese. Also,if people fall off the buildings my boss doesn’t even care! There is only one person that is actually nice to me, and that is Jim Smith. He’s really nice and is the only one that doesn’t care about me being Chinese. I'm so glad that i got to meet him.
  • Goodbye

    Everything was going well at work, until this happened. It was a normal day at work. We were in the process of building an eight story building when it happened. The wind was very bad that day. Jim and I stood up to get a beam, but Jim slipped and fell. I tried to catch him but I missed him. He had died. I was going to quit my job, but I knew if I wanted money I had to keep the job. I have to admit when Jim died I cried because he was the only friend I had.
  • My Accident

    My Accident
    We were just starting to build a new skyscraper when I got injured. I was lifting a steel beam with someone else when I tripped on the sidewalk. The beam fell on my arm. They took me to the hospital, and the doctor said that my arm was broken. There was only one thing they could do to my arm. They cut my arm off! It hurt at the moment, but not anymore. I’m getting used to it, and now I stay home and take care of the baby while my wife works.
  • Happy Family

    Happy Family
    My life is pretty good right now. My daughter is perfectly healthy. My wife is earning money for the family at the garment factory. Also, my arm is getting better every day. I miss my family a lot, but I know I did the right thing for my family. I also just found out by my wife that she thinks she might be pregnant! I can’t wait to have another child and start our life like we’ve always