Counquest of jeusalem (1099)

Ancient To The Modern World

  • Period: 400 to 1500

    Ancient To The Modern World

  • 476

    the last western roman emperor is deposed

    the last western roman emperor is deposed
    Romulus Augustulus, was the Roman emperor who ruled the Western Roman Empire until 4 September 476 He is often recounted as the "last Western Roman emperor"
  • 499

    Barbarians invade the Western Roman Empire

    Barbarians invade the Western Roman Empire
    For the fall of Rome, it was the Huns invading from the east that caused the domino effect, they invaded the Goths, who then invade the Roman Empire.
  • 630

    Muslims conquer much of the middle

    Muslims conquer much of the middle
    The early Muslim conquests, also referred to as the Arab conquests and early Islamic conquests began with the Islamic seer Muhammad in the 7th century. He established a new unified polity in the Arabian Peninsula
  • 799

    christianity spreads throughout much of Europe

    christianity spreads throughout much of Europe
    Beginning in the Middle East Christianity began its spread north and west into Europe, carried by merchants, missionaries, and soldiers
  • Dec 25, 800

    Charlemagne is crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

    Charlemagne is crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
    Charlemagne or King of the Franks. He became the Emperor of Rome but we will get to that but first here's some history and some facts about Charlemagne. Charlemagne was the eldest son of Pepin the short And Bertrada of Laon born before their canonical marriage. He became king in 800. He became the protector of the Frankish kingdom. Removing the Lombards from power. And led an attack into Muslim Spain. He also pushed against the Saxons to the East christianising the saxons upon death.
  • 1099

    The First Crusade Captures Jerusalem From the Muslims

    The First Crusade Captures Jerusalem From the Muslims
    The First Crusade or people crusade, was the first of 9 crusades that attempted to recapture the Holy Land from Pope Urban II and the siege lasted seven weeks and was there was a lot of massacring Muslim's and Jews. Urban called for a military aid from the Byzantine Empire. which had lost a lot of Anatolia. They were planning a military expedition called the Princes' Crusade, not only to re-capture Anatolia but to conquer the Holy Land as well and on July 1099 they went re-capture Jerusalem
  • 1206

    The Delhi Sultanate Spreads islam in India

    The Delhi Sultanate Spreads islam in India
    The Delhi Sultanate was a Muslim sultanate based mostly in Delhi that stretched over big parts of the Indian subcontinents for 320 years 1206–1526 there were Five dynasties that ruled over the Delhi Sultanate there were the Mamluk dynasty 1206-1290, the Khalji dynasty 1290–1320, the Tughlaq dynasty 1320–1414, the Sayyid dynasty 1414–1451, and the Lodi dynasty 1451–1526. also The sultanate is known for being one of the few states to repel an attack from the Mongolians
  • 1280

    The Mongol Empire reaches its peak

    The Mongol Empire reaches its peak
    The Mongol Empire or 'the Horde' in Russian chronicles existed during the 13th and 14th centuries and was the largest neighbouring land empire in history. Originating in the steppes of Central Asia, the Mongol Empire eventually stretched from Eastern Europe and parts of Central Europe to the Sea of Japan
  • 1291

    The Last Crusade fails

    The Last Crusade fails
    Ninth Crusade. The Ninth Crusade, which is sometimes grouped with the Eighth Crusade was the last major crusade to the Holy land