Aug 3, 1492
Columbus Discovering America
This event was very important because it was basically the discovering of America. Some could argue that without this event, America never would have been discovered. This led to many different people from different places settling within America. It also led to many different wars and battles that shaped America into what it is today. -
Mayflower Arriving In America
This event was important in shaping America, because it brought many new settlers to America that not only learned things from the Natives there, but also learned new things from the landscape. This helped more of the “New World,” be explored and they paved the way for more settlements to come. -
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George Washington
George Washington was probably one of the most important people in our history as he was one of the best generals in our army during the American Revolution and was one of the best soldiers out there as well. He gave our army hope when there was no hope and came up with strategic battle plans that helped our army to win the war. -
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French and Indian War
This war gained Britain and the colonists of America new land to explore and settle. This war was very important as it led to the American Revolution after the British started taxing the Americans and showing their true colors as our monarch. This war shaped us as Americans and led to our spirit and our thirst for independence. -
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American Revolution
This event was extremely crucial within our history because it helped us gain our independence from Britain. Some could argue that without this event, our country wouldn’t be the way it is today and we might not even have our independence. This war also shaped other countries other than our home and helped them gain their equality and independence. -
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Civil War
This event was very important because it was not only one of the most bloodiest and brutal wars ever, it changed the government, the economy, the status of African Americans and helped our country grow bigger and better than other countries. This war also some could say ended slavery and changed the way African Americans were treated for good. -
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World War II
World War 2 was very important because it pulled our country out of the Great Depression and helped our country develop its name as a superpower. It also helped us gain new allies from Britain and France. It also affected Germany as it brought them into an economic slump. Not only was this war one of the largest attempts as mass genocide, it also shaped the world around it, in hopes that nothing like this would ever happen again. -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was one of the most unexpected events ever to happen. Pearl Harbor was unexpected and probably dragged us into one of the worst wars in history. It was when Japanese planes bombed our newly made Pearl Harbor out of the blue. This lead to the United States using the first nuclear bomb on Hiroshima in Japan. This then led to us joining World War II and defeating the nazis. -
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Civil Rights Movement
This is very important and is one of my top ten because it ultimately led to colored people being treated the same way as white people. This also helped many people be able to voice their opinions such as MLK and John F. Kennedy. This event happened from 1954-1968, and changed our world so much for the better. It helped us truly believe in the fact that “All men are created equal.” -
9/11 was a very important event in our history not so much as what happened during this date but because of the byproduct of this event. It helped us as a country understand that threats like these exist within the world. This also helped us ramp up our security and make sure there were no terrorists coming into our country. Overall this event basically scared our country into becoming more safe and secure.