Decleration Of Independence
This was a Document that put everything on the line for them to be their own country. This is very important because it was people from America telling Britian that they want to be thier own country. https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/Images/declaration.jpg -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was event where 9 British soldiers fired into a crown and killed 5 Americans. I thought this event was important because it turned a lot of undecided Americans against britian. www.history.com/s3static/video-thumbnails/AETN-History_VMS/485/334/BRAND_THC_BSFC_180736_SFM_000_2997_15_20151204_00_HD_still_624x352.jpg -
Battle of Princeton
George Washington left his camp so that he could get to the British before they could get to him. This event was important because it was one of the victories that the Americans had. -
Surrender of 5,700 troops at Saratoga
This is when the Americans are forced to give up 5,700 of their men. This is very important because the Americans are giving up a lot of their troops and they're already losing majority of the wars. -
Battle of Camden
This is the battle when General Horatio Gates put all the untrained militia against the British's bets force -
Surrender of the British
This is where the British finally surrendered to the Americans realizing the American colony would be fine on their own. This was one of the most important events because Britian is letting America be their own country. http://www.aohflorida.org/marybeth/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/yorktown-surrender-1781-granger.jpg