When i was born.
This day was the day i was born. I was born around 5:40 in the morning. My mothers labor lasted for about 20 hours. My due date the 4th of july. I was born in water in a kidie pool with a mid wife. I was born in a home in Taylor. -
Moved out of Lincoln Park
Lincoln Park was the first house that i lived in out of the five houses. I think its a thing that made me because It was the house that i was born in. It was the first house that my parents bought and they said they were proud of the hard work they put into buying the house and remodeling it. -
Moved out of Dearborn.
The Dearborn house was the second house we lived in out of the five. Its an important place because that was the house that my borhter was born in. After we moved out my cousins, aunt and uncle moved into that house and now my uncle chris lives in the house. we always go to visit them and its always nice to see the house and how its changed over the years. -
My younger brother was born.
My brother was my dads 3rd kid and my moms 2nd. I dont remember the day my brother came home but ik that i was getting babysitted by my older cousin and my brother came home the next day. -
Moved to Rockwood
The Rockwood house was down river and its my favorite city and house out of all the places Ive lived in. I did kindagarden through fifth grade at St. Mary's. The hoouse we lived in was big and the set up of the house was a little like a maze. Me and my brother always had things to do and we alwasy had fun. If i could move back to that house i would in a heartbeat. -
We got our first cat
I was 8 when my family got our first cat. Ive always wanted a cat and one day we went into the store and there was an add for kittens. Shes a super small grey cat with bright green eyes. Shes currently 6. -
Met my bestfriend
In the beginning of third grade I met my bestfriend Liam. This is an imprtant date because has been the longest friend Ive ever had and I plan to stay friends with him for the rest of my life. Hes always there for me and hes the nicest guy Ive ever met. -
My first dog died.
Befor i was born my parents went and got a puppy. They named her Indy, after Indiana Jones which was my moms cleb crush at the time and, still is. She died the day before easter and we barried her in the woods in the back of my grandparents property. -
Moved to Rochester HIlls
The house that we lived in was the fourth house that ive lived in. I think its important because I met alot of new firends and im still friends with most of them. I spent 6th grade through 8th grade. If we would have stayed in Rochester then I would have gone to Stoney Creek high school instead of holly high. -
First cruise that I went on
The first cruise that I went on was in Mexico. I went with my dad,mom,brother and my sister. It was an amazing trip for the entire family and we got to see things that made me think of all the advenures I could take. -
I got my second dog.
After our frist dog we didnt have another animal for about two years. We got her from someone who didnt have enough money and room to properly take care of her so my mom decided to bring her home. To this day shes still a puppy, but she acts worst then she did when we first got her. She is a super big, lovable, playful, big baby. -
Second cruise I went on
The second cruise was going to the bahamas. WE went to Freepprt, Nassua, and Half Moon Cay. We went with my grandma and my bestfriends family. OUt of all of the trips this is my second favorite of all of them. -
Third cruise we went on
Over the summer we went on our third cruise. We went on the same cruise but on a bigger ship. We went to Freeport, Nassua, Half Moon Cay. We went with my older sister taylor and her boyfriend Justin. -
Moving to Holly
We moved the summer before the beginning of high school. My parents wanted to buy a lake house so they could stay in the same house for a long tine. When we moved here I knew no one and now I have lots of fiends. At first I hated holly but now im getting use to it.