All about me

By 20acox
  • I was born

    and so were two of my other siblings, because I am a triplet
  • my parents got divorced

    and I had to live in two houses from then on
  • I moved schools

    Now I entered the Otsego District for 1st grade
  • I joined 4h

    I rode horses and was involved in 4h until highschool started
  • We got our new dog bear

    He died in 2019, but I made a lot of memories with him. His favorite thing in the world was snow.
  • My first canoe trip with my grandpa

    This paved the way for multiple other trips. Because of my grandpa, I fell in love with biking and being outdoors.
  • my dad got remarried

    He married my stepmom 5 years ago. I can't believe its been 5 years already.
  • I joined marching band

    I have played french horn and mellophone for 4 years.
  • I moved to my dad's full time

    Now we could help stack hay and go on bike trips with my grandpa all the time.
  • I got accepted into BGSU

    I'm still not sure what I am going to study but I am super excited to graduate.