All About Me

  • Life Has Welcomed Me

    Life Has Welcomed Me
    I was born in Anaheim. I weighed 6 pounds and was born at 7 in the morning. I was soooooo lucky to be the first out of 3.
  • I Can Spell

    I Can Spell
    It was during my first grade where I made it into my school Spelling Bee! However, I landed only in second place where I lost to the easy word "representation". :( Though I did get a trophy and my era of being in the Spelling Bees began in all my years in elementary :D
  • The Ultimate Change

    The Ultimate Change
    It was in my fourth grade where I turned from this shy and easily embarrassed girl to this outgoing, well-spoken, and confident person that I am to this day. It was all thanks to my fourth grade teacher who would constantly call on me to answer questions.
  • My Destined Subject

    My Destined Subject
    In my fifth grade, my school created 3 periods, one for: math, writing, and science. I would always looks forward to my writing class ever since I finished writing my in-class narrative essay and earned a 5! From then on, I began to enjoy anything that is associated with reading or writing.
  • Say Bye To Innocence and Hello To Trouble

    Say Bye To Innocence and Hello To Trouble
    After moving in the summer of 5th grade and going into 6th, I was exposed to new students who were very different from me. My childhood was all about studies and school but once I got here, the kids cared more about popularity and boys, thus leading me to be influenced by these thoughts as well.
  • Bye Bye

    Bye Bye
    After graduating in 5th grade from Schmitt Elementary, I moved houses, thus resulting in moving to a new elementary school where you graduate in the 6th grade.
  • My First Bestfriend

    My First Bestfriend
    In the 8th grade, I was put into advanced English where I made my first best guy friend. I somewhat developed interest for him but that died because I wanted to focus in my studies. However, we are still great friends to this day :)
  • What An Experience

    What An Experience
    In my freshman year, I still had the mindset of focusing in school, until I met this guy in my History Honors who liked me and I guess I got into a relationship with him, making it my first relationship.
  • Hallelujah

    I went to my first retreat and surprisingly, it really impacted my life in a way I never thought would it would have done. I got closer to God and made new friends. I was able to be independent and have such a great time with amazing people.
  • Freedom

    In my first relationship, it was really toxic and definitely brought out the worst in me, putting me in my lowest points. It was one of my hardest times I ever had to deal with, as it affected me greatly and negatively.
  • The Unexpected

    The Unexpected
    In my second year for swim, my coach put me in four events that I was not coached on and they were extremely tiring events. Not to mention they were also back-to-back events, meaning I had little time to rest before I had to race again. The four events were: 100 butterfly, 200 free, 200 relay, and 400 relay.
  • Say "Cheese"

    Say "Cheese"
    In the summer of my sophomore year, I had my first photoshoot and it was an amazing experience. If anything, I gained a lot of popularity and self- confidence from it and it became a hobby I take part of whenever I'm available.
  • Am I Famous Yet

    Am I Famous Yet
    I recently made an Instagram in August, not really liking it all because it kind of made me self-conscious of myself seeing all these girls. However, I decided to post photos and next thing I knew, I reached 1k followers in the span of four months. Though I feel weird because a lot of people know of me and some say they feel honored when I talk to them. I personally just regard myself as a normal teen.
  • Oh No

    Oh No
    So I guess I would consider today as a significant incident in my life as I have never been in trouble at all. I never got a detention, let alone anything that revolves around suspension, which is a shock for me still. Though, I am enjoying this new experience, as it is not so bad at all, for me at least.