Welcome Alèxia
I was born in Hospital General located in Sant Cugat. -
Period: to
Alèxia Sanz - My English Timeline
Those are my most important english experiences through a period of time of 15 years and a half. -
First words
When I was 2, I started speaking (in Catalan). The first words I said were "mama and papa". -
Now I'm bilingual
I started school, exactly P3. I practiced both languages I have learnt: Spanish and Catalan. -
My first english word: flower
My mother, who is an english teacher, always said me: "You're my flower", and one day I tried to repeat it. My mother says it was in a strange children's accent, but the word was said enough good to understand it. -
Ballet Exams, RAD
I started dancing when I was 3 years old, but I did my first ballet exam in 2005. A dance specialist came from London (Royal Academy of Dance), and he/she came to my dance school to evaluate all the students. So I practiced my English a little bit. -
Catalan prose!
I won the first prize of Catalan prose. I was 6, and I presented a story (written it by me) to a competition in Barcelona, and I won the first prize!! -
School English Classes
At the beginning of the first grade, my class in Onze de Setembre started learning english. It wasn't as easy as I expected, and it was one of the few subjects that I needed to study (but just a little bit). -
The first english book.
It wasn't hard to read, but with a little bit of help (because of the pictures) I finally understood the story. And I was only six! -
Journey to Roma
It was in Italy, but I remember that I could speak a little bit of english, and I stared at the information signs. It's not one of the most important ones but I can remember that my family and I had to chat with people in English because we didn't know how to talk Italian. My mother agrees that everybody understood us, and we understood everybody. -
English Summer
With my friends Ainhoa and Maria, I went to a summer camp (English Summer)where I learned english and met a lot of good people. I stayed there for 3 weeks. -
English at High School
I started learning english at high school. My first teacher was Julian, and then I had Lali, Carmen Mateos, and Lali once again. They helped me to learn my actual english! -
Journey to the UK
At the middle of the summer I went with my parents to the United Kingdom. The experience resulted really useful and I obviously improved my english. I stayed in London and although it was the summer season, the weather was much more cold than here in Spain! -
Meeting an irlandese
William is an assistant conversation, and he has come to Catalonia to help me to improve my english. For the moment, he lives with me and my family, at our home. -
Maybe.... Ireland?
I want to go to Ireland with the EF company to practice my english and to improve it. Maybe I can go for a few weeks..