Alex's Life

  • Birth

  • First time playing soccer

    First time playing soccer
  • First swim meet for my new neighborhood

    First swim meet for my new neighborhood
  • First day of 2nd grade at a new school

    First day of 2nd grade at a new school
  • Beating Jake in a 5k

    Beating Jake in a 5k
  • Highschool Graduation

    Highschool Graduation
  • First day at University of Arkansas

    First day at University of Arkansas
  • Start my job as a dermatologist

    Start my job as a dermatologist
  • Get married:)

    Get married:)
  • Retire and take a dream vacation to Phuket, Thailand

    Retire and take a dream vacation to Phuket, Thailand
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    My events from my childhood show that I was a very active kid, and there have been no traumatic events that have occurred in my life yet. In regard to my future, I'm hoping that my timeline predicts that I am successful and obtain a high-paying job so that I stay financially stable and can travel around the world when I retire.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    I think any major event can affect someone's life, so I think my life would be very different if one was added or taken away. For example, if I had never moved houses in second grade, I would have gone to a completely different school with different friends, hobbies, etc. I have also never experienced a major downfall in my life, such as a traumatic death, so my morals and outlooks on life have always stayed pretty consistent.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    I'd say my future is very flexible because I am still undecided about where I want to go to college or what my career will be. Although I don't think my future will ever go too far south, I have a lot of choice in how I want to map it out.