Alex Oliver's Timeline PBL

  • Birth

    I was born on September 5th, 2007. The hospital I was born at was U of M hospital.
  • Brain Virus

    Brain Virus
    I was three years old when this happened. A brain virus that spread to my brain that almost killed me, but luckily I survived. I also forgot what the month and day were when this happened, but I remember the year.
  • First Day of Kindergarten

    First Day of Kindergarten
    This was a pretty important event since it started my school journey. I had a good teacher in kindergarten also. I remember the month and year but not the day. I went to Bentley Elementary for all of Elementary school.
  • Played my First Ever Video Game

    Played my First Ever Video Game
    To me, this is one of my most important events because of how much my life revolves around video games. I remember being amazed when I first played it. When I played video games like this though, my Uncle was always helping me. I remember the year but not the day and month.
  • The Discovery of Star Wars

    The Discovery of Star Wars
    My Uncle showed me Star Wars for the first time ever and I was again, amazed! This is still something I enjoy to this day. I remember the year but not the day and the month.
  • First Superhero Movie

    First Superhero Movie
    Jumping three years ahead and I see my first Superhero/Marvel movie. Again this is an important event for me since I like Superhero/Marvel stuff to this day like Star Wars. And yes, Marvel is better than DC. I remember the year but not the day and month.
  • My 10th Birthday

    This was important to me because I finally felt like I was older and I guess evolving in a way. This happened during my final year of Elementary school. I remember the day and month this time also.
  • 5th Grade Graduation

    The year is 2018 now at the end of the school year. I was scared for Middle school and what would come after it, but I ended up being fine. I don't remember the day but I remember the month and year. The month is June since it won't let me put it in without the day also.
  • Events of 2018 Summer

    The summer of 2018 was not very fun for me. We were moving to a new house where I would leave all my old friends behind and we also gave our dog (that I forgot to mention earlier) to my friend. I still miss her to this day (my dog's name was June) And then after that, we were living with my grandparents. My grandparents had us leave because they got in a fight with my mom. After that, I ended up living with my Uncle for the rest of the summer. I was essentially homeless in the summer of 2018.
  • First Day of Middle School

    So here I am walking in the halls of my new school, Pioneer. I knew literally nobody and was alone for the first month of the school year. Things got better though and now I have a lot of friends at Pioneer. I don't remember the day but I remember that the month was September and I remember that the year was still 2018 (A lot of things happened in 2018)
  • My First Ever Cat

    After losing my dog, June, I wanted a new pet but not a dog because I didn't want to replace June. So I convinced my mom and dad into rescuing an orange cat named Crosby. He is still my cat to this day. I remember the month and year but not the day. The month is November and it is still 2018.
  • Big Move Finally Finished

    We finished moving into the new house in the Sunflower Subdivision. I liked the new house but still missed my dog very much. I felt empty without my dog for a long time and I am still saddened about her to this day. I remember the day, month, and year this time!
  • Even More Doomed

    COVID-19 cases were raising everywhere and it kept getting worse every single day. I stayed at home feeling like days were being repeated just doing the same thing every day. I remember the month and the year. The month was April and the year was 2020.
  • Jumping Ahead to Doom

    The year is now 2020. Everything went to chaos a few months after the year began. I was let out of school and there was a virus rampaging the Earth. I was scared to death. I remember everything about when this first started.
  • Present Day

    COVID-19 is still a thing. My grandparents got it but they both survived. I am now back in full-time school and living a semi-normal life. I remember everything.