Apr 15, 1452
His birth
He was born in Anchiano, Florence.
His parents were: Piero da Vinci and Caterina di Meo Lippi -
Leonardo work as a apprentice
Leonardo is sent by his father to work as an apprentice of Andrea Verrocchio.
The name of the workshop was Workshop Verrocchio. -
The Guild of Painters.
He joined the Guild of painters in Florence and opened his own workshop of painting and sculpture, so his fame began to grow and they charge many different and very important works. -
Santa Maria della Neve
When it was more than half of his studies with Verrocchio, he completed the drawing of the landscape for Santa Maria della Neve , a representation to pen and ink of the Arno Valley. It is the first work that is clearly attributable to da Vinci. -
Adoration of the Kings
Paints the great unfinished altarpiece of the adoration of the Kings (Uffizi Gallery). -
Ludovico the moor requests entering his service as engineer, inventor, architect and artist. -
The Medicis
He left the Court of the Medicis and presented to Ludovico Sforza in Milan, where he remained seventeen years.
This is the Mecidi Family. -
The Camerini Decoration
It starts at the residence of the Sforza the Camerini decoration. -
The Last Supper
Leonardo began working on the picture of The Last Supper. -
Luca Paccioli and Leonardo
Finish with the mural painting of The Last Supper, in the refinery of Santa Maria delle Grazie, in Milan. Start with Luca Paccioli studies in mathematics and geometry. Make the portrait of Lucrecia Crivelli. -
The Mona Lisa
Leonardo is assigned to paint the Mona Lisa to Fernanado Giocondo and he was a member of the Commission of artists responsible for deciding on the right site of the David by Michelangelo. -
Charles D'amboise
He returned to Milan called by Charles D'amboise, as court painter and architect.
This is Charles D'amboise -
Giulano de Medici
He settled in Rome in the service of Giuliano de Medici. He begins his treatise on the art of painting.
This is the portrait of Giuliano de Medici -
The King Francisco I
He moved to France invited as first court painter for King Francisco I, which assigns it as a private residence, the castle of Cloux. -
May 2, 1519
His death
He died with 67 years in Amboise, France,
for a stroke