Leonardo born
Leonardo has born in florence in 1452.he studies a lot of different lections of diferent subjets in his life , his father was so important in his live. his name was Piero da vinci. he has born in the vinci castle -
Leonardo´s chilhood
in 1457 when he was only 5 years old , leonardo´s mum got married with Antonio di Piero Buti del Vacca da Vinci , a farmer of florence . with the mum of leonardo , piero has 5 children but piero also has got 5 wifes more . -
Andrea de verrochio " the most important studio"
Leonardo started to work with andrea del verrochio and he became to do all the jobs relacinated whit drawing.besides he started to work in one of the most important studio whit andrea. -
The Annuntation
Is one of the most fantastic pictures of leonardo. It was paited on a pice of wood , Although there is litle information we can know that the picture mesures 100 cm tall and 221 cm long . -
Milan " luodovico"
he was so decepcinated because of the papa iv didin´t told him to decorated the chapel sixtina in ROME . -
Fly machine
leonardo created a lot of diferent tipes of fly machines this is one of all that it was created in -
The vitruvian man
this picture is the study of the proportions of the human body. The picture have notes written of leonardo . He had donne it around the year 1490. -
La dama de armiño.
the picture represents a Cecilia Gallerani,this portrait is one of the four woman portraits : La gioconda ,Ginebra de beneci and La bella ferroniere. -
The last dinner
this work is one of the most important and significant work of leonardo . it was paited on 1498. it is paint on a wall in italy . andit is made of "temple and oleo" not like the traditional "fresco". -
The escafandra of da vinci
the escafandra was a aquatic suit . leonardo has created that because of his admiration of the sea. -
The Gioconda " monalisa"
it was a very important paint of leonardo . it was created on 1503,now the paint is in Paris on the "musée du louvre ". the mona lisa is also one of the most valuable paitings in the world, it holds the guinness world record for the highest know insurance valuationi the history. -
it is one of the most popular painting of leonrado .the painting is in the royal library in turín.it mesures 33 cm x 21 cm -
San juan bautista
Is one of the last pictures of the artist. It was painted on a pice of wood " al oleo" . It mesures 69 cm tall and 57cm long . Now is in the louvre musée in Paris .Also is a very important picturebecause there was polemic about the real meaning of the picture . -
leonardo has created the " puente gitratorio one of the milion invents of him it was important in the story -
Leonardo died
he die in 1519 . when he die he was 67 years .he die in frence . In his live he did a lot of painting and he was important in the history