Aileyn's Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Chandler, Arizona at 9:02 pm on a Tuesday. My mom and dad had named me after a Mexican singer only my dad spelled it completely different. My first words were Pepe which is my grandpa's nickname.
  • Mom came home from the Army

    Mom came home from the Army
    This was the day my mom came back from the military, she was stationed in Iraq. I remember she used to send me decorated letters to have my dad read to me since I could not read yet. When she came back she had brought me a customized camouflage Powerpuff Girls backpack and I still have it.
  • Started Ballet

    Started Ballet
    When I was seven years old my dream was to become a ballerina. So my mom had signed me up for ballet lessons when I was eight. I was so excited to wear tutus and ballet slippers, except after six years I quit because I no longer found it fun.
  • Learned to Play Violin

    Learned to Play Violin
    In fourth grade I decided I wanted to play the violin; so I joined my school's orchestra. In the seventh grade I got a turquoise violin for Christmas, it was definitely one of the best presents I had ever received. I stayed in orchestra until I was in 10th grade then I left because I hated my teacher and I wanted to focus more on film.
  • Met Family in Mexico

    Met Family in Mexico
    When I was 12 years old I got to go to Mexico for the first time to meet my family. They live in Chihuahua, Mexico. I got to meet cousins I didn't know I had and I got to see the house my dad grew up in.
  • My First Dog

    My First Dog
    My first dog's name was Shiloh, I named him after a book I read in fourth grade. He was the smartest dog I ever had and he was extremely adorable. Sadly he ran away a year after we got him.
  • My First Camera

    My First Camera
    When I was younger I used to want to be an actress but that all changed after I received my first camera. I began making YouTube videos with my brothers and cousins, we named it The Midnight Star Show. I deleted all the videos since they were embarrassing and I was 12.
  • Moved Houses

    Moved Houses
    After living in the same house for 14 years, it was time for a change. My family and I moved into a bigger house which was the best thing ever since I no longer had to share a room with my brother. Also, our house now has a pool in it!
  • Met My Sister

    Met My Sister
    This day was probably the most life changing event I had ever experienced. It was the day I met my 18 year old half-sister for the first time. She's my dad's daughter and she had been living in Colorado for most of her life. Now we're really close and it's pretty cool having a sister.
  • Made Cheer Team

    Made Cheer Team
    On this day I woke up to two messages, one saying I made the cheer team and another congratulating me on making the cheer team. It was definitely a great way to start my day, I was so excited. Cheer was the most fun I've ever had at school and I made some really great friends through it.