• Hole in the ozone layer.

    A meeting of UN experts confirms that above Antarctica was opening a hole in the ozone layer.
    I had already been born when experts confirmed the appearance of a hole in the ozone layer.
  • Berlín Wall

    The Wall of Merlin was demolished as a sign of freedom and reconciliation of a German divided into two states.
    When they broke the Berlin Wall, I had turned 2.
  • Nelson Mandela was released.

    After 27 years in prison convicted of sabotage and conspiracy, Nelson Mandela was released.
    When Nelson Mandela had been released, I was 3 years old.
  • Manadela received Nobel Peace Prize

    Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 with the country's President, Frederik Willen de Klerk, in recognition of his work to eliminate the racia regime.
    When Nelson Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize, I had been promoted to the year of primary school.
  • The international space station was inhabited.

    There is a permanent human presence in space, as at least two people have inhabited it since November 2, 2000 on an ongoing basis.
    In the year the international space station managed to have a permanent human presence in space, I was performing in a theater for the first time.
  • Wikipedia was born.

    It was created on 15 January 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger7 and is the largest and most popular online reference work.
    Three days after Wikipedia had been born, I turned 14.
  • The largest enlargement of the European Union

    On 1 May 2004, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Poland joined.
    The same month the European Union was being expanded, I had my first practices in high school.
  • The planet Eris was discovered

    It was discovered in January 2005 by a team from the Palomar Observatory led by Michael E. Brown; his identity was verified later that year.
    In the year they discovered an Eris planet, I had become of legal age.
  • Barack Obama was elected president of the U.S.

    Barack Obama was the first African-American candidate to be nominated for the presidency by the Democratic Party and is the first to hold the presidential office.
    When Mandela became president, I had started my college career.
  • Rescue of chili miners.

    After 33 days of the accident, the miners from San jose, Chile, were released. To date it is the largest and most successful rescue in mining history worldwide.
    In the year the chili miners rescued, I had met my husband.