not the exact date!. they used invented the hand wooven plow Oxen and horses for power, crude wooden plows, all sowing by hand, cultivating by hoe, hay and grain cutting with sickle, and threshing with flail -
cotton grin
Invention of cotton gin -
hand plow
patented iron plow with interchangeable parts -
McCormick reaper patented -
a practical drill was made so they could drill thing for bluiding and farming -
hard work
About 75-90 labor-hours required to produce 100 bushels of corn (2-1/2 acres) with walking plow, harrow, and hand planting -
2-horse straddle-row cultivator patented -
steam tractors
Steam tractors were tried out These engines were used extensively in rural North America to aid in threshing, in which the owner/operator of a threshing machine or threshing rig would travel from farmstead to farmstead threshing grain. These jobs included driving the bundle racks, pitching bundles into the threshing machine, supplying water for the steam engine, hauling away the freshly threshed grain and scooping it into the granary. There were also threshing contractors, who owned their own en -
Silos came into use they are a tower or a pit to store grain -
self propelled combine
when they made the self propelled combine do it by its self -
gasoline tractor
Big open-geared gas tractors came into use in areas of extensive farming -
tractor with rubber tires
All-purpose, rubber-tired tractor with complementary machinery came into wide use