
Agricultural Revolution

  • Jethro Tull Invents Seed Drill

    Jethro Tull Invents Seed Drill
    Jethro Tull (March 30, 1674- February 21,1741) was an English Agrucultural pioneer. He invented the seed drill in 1701. His invention allowed landowners to plant seeds in neat rows and increase how much the crop yields.
  • Robert Bakewell

    Robert Bakewell
    Robert Bakewell (1725-1795) pioneered Selective Animal Breeding. He was the first to breed cattle. Due to his advances in animal breeding, he dramatically increased the size of his cattle.
  • Inclosure Acts

    Acts of Parliament to close off open land to from the local people. They could no longer cultivate the land.
  • Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny, which is a device used to spin cotton much more efficiently by spinning 8 spools at a time, as oppsed to just one spool at a time.
  • Crop Rotation

    Charles Townshend developed four field crop rotation in the 18th century. His system included Wheat, Turnips, Barley, and Clover. Townshend recognized that each crop used different nutrience in the soil, so he roated the crops so the soil wasn't depleted of one type of nutrience.