2 months
2 months smiles at silly faces and stares at you to see who you are in his eyes. -
7 year olds
ask a lot of questions so they can learn. -
3 months
raises hand, babbles and laughs at anything. -
6 months
roll's over and try's to get up. -
7 months
fins things and throw them and pick them up. -
9 months
sits without support and crawl and try to mama or dada. -
12 months
try's to walk, say's one word one stop and imitates people. -
18 months
can walk, drink from a cup and points to body parts. -
2 year old
runs, jumps and follow instruction and knows how to play. -
3 year olds
climb's and color and shape. -
4 year olds
rides a tricycle and draw's circles and squares. -
6 year olds
they can write and read out loud. -
8 year olds
they can solve problems. -
9 year olds
like to daze off in a dream. -
10 year olds
participates in a group discussion and gives presentation. -
11 year old
there strong readers and teach there self to do magic trick or project's. -
12 year old's
They are the observations stage and want everything to do and to have fun. -
4 months
tries to imitates us talking to them. -
5 year olds
tells there name and can jump, hop, skip and get dressed and they can count to 10.