age of exploration to independence

  • Period: 1800 BCE to 800

    The Maya

    The time of the maya empire and when the fell
  • 1095

    pope urban call for crusades to get holy land

    pope urban call for crusades to get holy land
    called crusades to get back the holy land
  • 1200

    Europe is a farming economy

    Europe is a farming economy
    feudalism let people get there food by farming
  • 1200

    Europe is a farming economy

    fuedalism let people get food by farming
  • Period: 1200 to 600

    The Olmec

    The Olmec is one of the tribes in mesoamerica
  • Period: 1200 to 1521

    The aztec empire

    The Aztecs were a empire in the mesoamreica time period
  • 1271

    Marco polo travels to the east

    Marco polo travels to the east
    starts his travel to the east
  • 1289

    crusades ended

    crusades ended
    the crusades went home
  • 1293

    Marco polo travels back home

    Marco polo travels back home
    starts travel by boat back home
  • 1298

    polo inspired to right book

    polo inspired to right book
    while in prison polo got inspired to right book about his jerneys
  • Period: 1300 to

    the renaissance

    time of new birth
  • Period: 1400 to 1532

    The inca

    The Inca were a tribe in the Mesoamerica time
  • 1415

    captured the fortress of Ceuta Africa

    captured the fortress of Ceuta Africa
    the Portuguese captured the fort of Ceuta Africa
  • 1419

    discovered Madeira island

    discovered Madeira island
    Portugal discovered this island
  • 1427

    found the Azores islands

    found the Azores islands
    found by the Portuguese
  • 1434

    return voyage home

    return voyage home
    return voyage home from Africa
  • 1440

    printing press made

    printing press made
    invented by Johann gutenburg
  • 1469

    Spain began building a nation

    Spain began building a nation
    catholic Spain began the prossece of building a nation
  • 1488

    reaching coast of south Africa

    reaching coast of south Africa
    made it around the tip of Africa to the coast of south Africa
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus journey begins

    Columbus journey begins
    Isabella finally agrees to finance Columbus's journey west with 3 ships
  • 1519

    Cortes invades the Aztec

    Cortes invades the Aztec
    Cortes invades the Aztec and tries to rule and take over them with there enimeis and allices help
  • 1529

    The Pizarro invasion

    The Pizarro invasion
    Pizarro invaded the Inca tribe and conquerd most of it by spreading desiases and war
  • 1532

    Inca fall under Pizarro

    Inca fall under Pizarro
    the Inca tribe falls during Pizarro's ruling which ended the inca time
  • Thomas Hobbes writes The Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes writes The Leviathan
    Writes about how men should be equal
  • John Locke writes The Second Treatise on Government

    John Locke writes The Second Treatise on Government
    Wrote the teatise on the government which is a book
  • The United States declares Independence

    The United States declares Independence
    The time when america became a country
  • France Writes declaration Of the right of man

    France Writes declaration Of the right of man
    France writes a declaration saying man have rights and freedoms
  • Haiti gains independence

    Haiti gains independence
    Haiti gains independence from the french and becomes the first black country
  • Bolivar begin fight for independence of Venezuela

    Bolivar begin fight for independence of Venezuela
    Bolivar begin fight for independence of Venezuela against the Spanish army and won
  • Bolivar’s Gran Columbia gains its independence

    Bolivar’s Gran Columbia gains its independence
    Bolivar becomes dictator of Columbia and makes it gain independence
  • Jose de San Martin frees Peru from Spain

    Jose de San Martin frees Peru from Spain
    Jose de san martin makes Peru free from the Spanish and become allies with bolivar
  • Mexico gains independence

    Mexico gains independence
    Mexico gains independence from Spain and has a free nation