Media 2019 03 historystory

Ag History: 1900-1930

  • Bureau of Reclamation

    Bureau of Reclamation
    The Bureau of Reclamation was established in 1902 and set to work constructing dams, power plants, and canals in the western states. The creation of the Bureau of Reclamation is important because it allowed westward expansion and homesteading. In turn, it also promoted economic development in the West. It created some of our largest and most important dams, such as the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River.
  • National Farmers Union

    National Farmers Union
    In 1902, ten family farmers came together and founded the National Farmers Union. This is important because the NFU supports family farmers and helps them to be profitable. The NFU focuses on helping farm families continue to thrive through "education, cooperation, and legislation".
  • Hog Cholera

    Hog Cholera
    In 1903, Marion Dorset, a scientist for the USDA's Bureau of Animal Industry, discovered that hog cholera is an ultramicroscopic virus. This discovery was important because it eventually led to the eradication of hog cholera and prevented hog farmers from losing their animals and profit.
  • Hybrid Crop Development

    Hybrid Crop Development
    In 1906, G. H. Shull began his research on the inheritance of corn. This sparked further research into the intentional breeding of certain plants to create a durable, desirable crop. This was important because it led to the creation of the hybrids that make up most of our food supply. Because of this research, we have plants that can withstand pests, drought, heat, pesticides, and more. It also sparked the hybrid seed market and brought in revenue.
  • The Lowell System

    The Lowell System
    Francis Cabot Lowell created a labor production model that would move every step of the manufacturing process under one roof. This was important because it made manufacturing much more efficient and cost-effective. More product was able to be put out quicker than it had before. This process is also still used today, but the machines used today are electronic and computer-operated.
  • Modern Fertilizer Production

    Modern Fertilizer Production
    In 1909, Fritz Haber successfully produced ammonia needed for fertilizer. Carl Bosch partnered with Haber and created a system for the wide scale production of ammonia. He then opened a large factory in 1913. This was important because it was the start of the commercial production of ammonia needed for agriculture. It was the beginning of the fertilizer industry like we know today.
  • The Creation of 4-H

    The Creation of 4-H
    In 1914, Congress created the Cooperative Extension Service in the USDA and started the 4-H program. The creation of 4-H is important because now, it is a program offered to millions of students across the globe. They learn valuable life skills such as friendship, leadership, responsibility, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. Students can also learn how to care for and respect plants and animals.
  • Cooperative Extension Services

    Cooperative Extension Services
    Congress created the Cooperative Extension Services in order to address rural and agricultural issues that a majority of the nation was facing. The development of the Cooperative Extension Services is important because even today, it continues to help farmers and ranchers and promote agricultural education.
  • Dry-Farming

    John Widtsoe wrote a book with instructions on how to successfully farm in dry regions that do not experience a lot of rainfall or that are in a drought. This was important because it helped midwestern farmers to plant and yield crop even during dry times. It was especially important because the nation was soon to experience the Dust Bowl and severe drought.
  • Mechanized Farm Equipment

    Mechanized Farm Equipment
    Due to the increased availability of farm credit during WWI, farmers were able to buy more mechanized farm equipment than they had before. This was important because farmers were able to work faster and more efficiently. They could turn over crops faster than they had before. This also led to the utilization of modern technology and machinery in agriculture that we have today.
  • National Arboretum

    National Arboretum
    The National Arboretum, in Washington, D.C., was established in 1927 as a part of the Department of Agriculture. The National Arboretum is important because it conducts research to create and preserve hardy plants. Because of their research, they were able to produce the USDA's Plant Hardiness Zone Map. This map tells farmers and gardeners which types of plants do best in their geographical region.
  • Future Farmers of America

    Future Farmers of America
    In 1928, a group of 33 students from 18 different states gathered together in Kansas City, Missouri to form FFA. This was important because it influenced more young men and women to continue to go into agricultural careers instead of getting city jobs. It was also one of the first school-based educational programs for agriculture.