
  • 1400

    Europeans begin to sail south

    The Europeans sail south around the continent of Africa in trying to reach the weath of India and China.
  • 1500

    Europeans begin got trade for slaves

    Europeans trade guns and European made goods for slaves.
  • 1500

    Europeans begin to build trading posts in Africa

    Europeans built trading posts to make trading slaves easier
  • Europeans start colonizing

    The Europeans started to take over other countries in Africa
  • Europe has claimed most of Africa

    Europeans take over most of the land in Afric and so do other countries. The only country not to be taken over was Ethiopia.
  • South Africa is granted independence from Britain

    South Africa is granted independence from Britain when Britian could no longer afford to keep South Africa controled.
  • White South Africans make apartheid law

    The apartheid is a policy of legal separation based on race
  • Africans begin to rebel agents colonization

    This begins folowing the events of World War Two.
  • Sudan gains its independence

    Sudan was held captive by Great Brittian.
  • The Sudan people start a civil war.

    This is the first out of two wars to be heald in Sudan. Both include the South and the North fighting each other. The first war lasted 16 years.
  • Ghana gains its Independence

    Ghana gains its Independence from the Europiean countries
  • Nigeria gains its independence

    Nigeria becomes free after a difficult battle with the Brittish
  • The Belgium Congo gains its independence

    The Belgium Congo gains its independence, but not for long
  • Rwanda gains it independence

    Rwanda became free from the governmet who was leading them
  • Kenya gains its Independents

    Kenya becomes Independent from Germany.
  • Nelson Mandela is arrested

    Mandela was sentenced to life long prison because is protested the apartheid.
  • Joseph Mobutu gains power of the Belgium Congo

    Joseph Mobutu gains power of the Belgium Congo because they were unable to form a stable governmnet
  • The end of the Sudans first civil war.

    This is the end of the first civil war for these people.
  • The Igbo people delare independence

    The Igbo people delare independence and name there new country Biafra. This leads to the start of a civil war.
  • The Sudan people start their second war

    This war was the second civil war between these people and it lasted 18 years.
  • F.W. de Klerk is elected president of Africa

    He helped stop the apartheid
  • Nelson Mandela is released from prison

    F.W. de Klerk was the one to release Mandela.
  • Mandela and Klerk are award the Nobel Peace Prize

    They got this award because they helped stop the apartheid.
  • Nelson Mandela becomes president of Africa

    Africa held there first open election and they elected Mandela
  • The end of the Sudans second civil war

    The Southern people become independent after this 18 year long war.
  • The Arab spring moment starts

    The Arab spring moment was the people of Tunisa wanting a democratic government.
  • Ben Ali resigned from the Tunisia government

    Not long after a democratic government was elected.
  • Qaddafi was killed

    Qaddafi was the dictator in Libia who refused to step aside.
  • Mubarak resigns

    Mubarak was the president of Egypt for 30 years before he was asked to resign
  • Mohommed Morsi becomes the president of Egypt

    Mohommed Morsi replaced Mubarak as the president of Egypt
  • Mohammed is overthrown by the military

    Mohammed was removed from power by the military and then jailed.