Adolescence: Physical Development...Did you enter pubert early or late? Do you believe it had any affect on you?
When i was younger i ended up hitting puberty very late. I hit puberty around 9th or 10th grade. I believe it did have an affect on me because all my other class mates would hit growth spurts in the summer while I remained the same. Every other guy would be growing mustache and armpit hair while til this day have yet to acquire armpit hair. -
Childhood: Physical Development...How often did you physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity?
When I was younger I hated physical exercise. I would go outside and play wit my cousins like hide and seek and kids games. But i would not do much physical activity. I would go out and get some physical activity like once a week because I would see all my cousins after church and thats when we would play. -
Adolescence: Physical Development...How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity?
As an adolescent I still rarely got any physical activity. Especially now that I was a bit older I didn't do much activity because I no longer really socialized with my cousins. My feeling towards physical development had not changed much still hated it. -
Adulthood: Physical Development... How often do you get physical exercise? What is your current level of physical activity? How do you feel about it?
I actually love working out now. I work out more now than I have ever my entire life. I try to workout at least five times a week. My level of working out compared to my younger years have changed substantially. -
Adolescence: Physical Development... Describe which gross and /or fine motor skill you used for the activities you listed
The gross motor sills I would use whenever i would play with my cousins included running. Since we would be playing hide and seek we would have to sprint to find a good hiding spot. -
Childhood: Physical Development... Describe which gross and /or fine motor skill you used for the activities you listed
The gross motor sills I would use whenever i would play with my cousins included running. Since we would be playing hide and seek we would have to sprint to find a good hiding spot. -
Adulthood: Physical Development... Describe which gross and /or fine motor skill you used for the activities you listed
The gross motor skills I use now are many. they included running for when i go out on trail runs. Lifting for when i would use barbells at the gym. I try to keep an active lifestyle so gross motor skills are heavily used. -
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development... Provide an example from your life (tell a story) tht demonstrates at least one concept related to Piagets's Stages of Cognitive Development
An example from Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development that i could reflect in my self would be the Pre-operational Stage, Symbolic Function sub-stage. Mostly because when I was younger I would have this teddy bear that I would carry every and basically act like it was a living thing. This is known as animism, where i basically gave an inanimate object a lifelike quality. -
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development... What sort of interest did you have as a young child (2-4)? Does this fit with the research on children's concept formation and categorization?
From what I've been told my interest as young boy were teddy bears. I would love my teddies and would play with them and each and every one of them had their own name. With that being said yes I do believe it fits with the research done on children on the concept of formation and categorization. -
Middle Childhood: Cognitive Development... Describe an experience that made you aware of a certain concept of intelligence. What was this concept of intelligence? How did this affect the way you thought about intelligence and yourself?
An experience that made me realize that I was somewhat intelligent was in 5th grade. My elementary school was having a spelling bee and i had been out for a week because but all 5th graders had to participate and i was unprepared but ended up winning it. This really didn't affect me because I already knew I was different than the other students. It just made want to even do better in school. -
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development...what is one way you remember your parents and/or a teacher acting in a way that you know now helped your language acquisition?
One way my mother helped me with language acquisition was that she would sit with me and at a young age i used to stutter. She would sit with me and help enunciate syllables and words. I had a teacher that would also give me speech classes til I no longer stuttered. -
Early Childhood: Emotional Development...How did family and friends/teachers describe you as a child? was this the same or different from your infant temperament?
Family would describe me as mischievous at a young age. Mainly because I was just very curious and would always fin trouble. But on the other hand many of my teachers would describe me as sweet, quite, etc. It is a little contradicting from my infant temperament because according to my mother i was a not an easy baby. -
Infancy: Emotional Development... Were you securely/insecurely attached to your primary caregiver?
I was very secureky attached. Especially to my mother, from going to church with my mother to go shopping with her. I would be close to her and her sister (my aunt). I remember once My mother and aunt went out to go grocery shopping and they wouldn't let me go, so I followed them to the Store Walking -
Early Adulthood: Think of your closest relationship now, whether that's a friend, family member, or romantic partner. How would you describe the attachment style?
my closest relationship right now is Javier, my boyfriend. I feel the attachment style between me and him is more secure than anything. We both like spending tie with each other. Hes stable with a good head between his shoulders and I dont know anyone else i could trus more than him. -
Adolescence: Emotional Development... How would Sternberg have described your most important relationship in adolescence?
Sternberg's decription on my most important relationship in adolescence would be liking. Because when I was in high school I would have the biggest crushes and would like someone but it would never pass the liking stage. There was no oassion nor commitment. Just intimacy. -
Early Adulthood: Emotional Development...What classifications of Sternberg's relationship is most appropriate now?
The classification that i would compare to Sternberg's classification would be consummate love. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and he still gives me those feelings that I had on our first date.