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Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development

  • 12-13 years old Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development

    12-13 years old Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development
    one of the most noticeable developments at this age is the physical changes includes pubertal and hormonal change. Although the girls may start to have this physical changes at 10 years old while the boys usually have it at 13 years old. Evidence of sex differences in physical development appear at this age where the girls have breast and round buts while the boy voice will change and will generate more muscles. Cognitive development includes emergence of formal operational thinking and cr
  • Period: to

    12 to 13 years old one of the most noticeable developments at this age is the physical changes includes pubertal and hormonal change. Although the girls may start to have this physical changes at 10 years old while the boys usually have it at 13 years old

  • 14-15 years old Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development

      14-15 years old Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development
    the girls’ growth spurt ends by this age while the boys’ growth spurt is going. As a teenager there are difference in the timing between the physical development of the girls and boys. Both boys and girls have greater self-consciousness and focus on self. Social development includes great peers’ interaction where the child concerns with appearance and peer approval. 14- 15 years old child tend to spend less time with family and have greater commitment of time to peer group. Comparing to the for
  • Period: to

    14 to 15 years old Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development

  • 16-17 years old Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development

    16-17 years old Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development
    both girls and boys achieve sexual maturity. As a result, Dating, sexual activity and interpersonal intimacy will appear at this age. Personality development includes development of personal autonomy in day to day planning .identity formation and integration of organized self-concept. The adolescence developed sense of greater responsibility and character. The adolescences cognitive developments enable them to evaluate options in terms of interests, abilities, and values. The adolescences have
  • Period: to

    16 to 17 yeras old Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development

  • 18-19 years old Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development

    18-19 years old Adolescence physical, cognitive, social and personality development
    physical development includes physical and athletic maturity in addition to increasing the risk of sexually transmitted infection such as AIDS and smoking tobacco. Cognitive development includes development of l moral reasoning and elaboration of religious and political thinking. Social development includes greater community involvement and societal perspective taking. In addition to refinement of gender role expectations and gender behavior. Personality development includes development of lif