Adelinas Life Events

By addyx
  • Day of Birth

  • 6lbs 2 oz, 21 inches

  • Fine motor skills

    Took my first step
  • First word

  • Fear

    Easter Bunny
  • BioSocial

    clung to my father 24/7
  • Best Friend

    Met my first bestfriend Hannah at the neighborhood park.
  • School

    Figured out I was left handed
  • Cut

    Fell off the porch, first real cut
  • Active

    Started playing soccer
  • Bilingual

    Could speak two languages. English and Albanian
  • More friends

    Met my other two best friends, Breannea and Amanda
  • Puberty

    Hit puberty at the age of 12
  • Cognitive

    Graduated highschool on time in 2008
  • Parents

    As you get older you realise how much you need your parents and become more thankful to have them in your life.
  • Health

    Getting a gym membership and eating healthier.
  • Awareness

    First race for the cure brest cancer walk.
  • Emeging adults with their parents

    Parents support me living at home
  • Health Habbits

    Body changing/harder to stay in shape and realising the older you get the harder it ia t maintaine your body shape.
  • Culture

    Family meeting statting how important it is to know your backround of your ethnicity and being grateful for what you have and how youv'e been raised
  • Intimacy

    Family/Friends- Still will be close to the same poeple I have always been close with
  • Retirement

    Hope to retire with my significant other at a younger age
  • young+old

    dependent, no need of a nursing home.
  • The ageism of words

    Hope to have true words of widsom for the young.
  • Epilogue

    End of a wonderful fulfulling life-Age 92