Bright(ly) Living My Life

  • I was Born

    I was Born
    October 26, 2004
    Born at 8:38 a.m.
    6lbs 15oz, 20"
  • I Learned to Walk

    I Learned to Walk
    Now that I was able to walk, my parents had to make sure that I wouldn't get hurt as I walked around the house.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
  • Potty Training

    Potty Training
    I learned how to use the bathroom which was a big thing for my family because I am the oldest and it made it a lot easier for my mom to do simple tasks because she didn't have to change my diaper anymore.
  • My Mom Quit Her Job

    My Mom Quit Her Job
    My mom quit her job to become a stay-at-home mom and so she was able to be at home with me and my almost born sister.
  • My First Sister was Born

    My First Sister was Born
    Natalie was born so there was a new baby in the house to take care of.
  • My Dad got a Big Promotion

    My Dad got a Big Promotion
    My dad got a really big promotion that helped our family get more money and positively impacted our family.
  • We Moved into a House

    We Moved into a House
    We moved from living in an apartment into a house.
  • First Black President - Obama

    First Black President - Obama
  • My Second Sister was Born

    My Second Sister was Born
    My sister Kate was born.
  • Got Saved & I Started Going to School Full-time

    Got Saved & I Started Going to School Full-time
    I chose to accept Jesus as my Savior one day before school which was a big thing in my household because I grew up going to church. I also started going to school full time so there was one less kid for my mom to look after every day.
  • My Third Sister was Born

    My Third Sister was Born
    Alyssa was born so now there are four kids for my mom to take care of.
  • I Started Getting Closer to Friends & Started Piano Lessons

    I Started Getting Closer to Friends & Started Piano Lessons
    I started talking about my friends a lot more and hanging out with them so my parents had to take me places to hang out with them. I also started piano lessons which were every week and my mom had to take an hour out of her day to listen to me learn how to play the piano.
  • First Family Vacation

    First Family Vacation
    This was the first year that we had the money to go on a "big" family vacation somewhere.
  • Moved Churches

    Moved Churches
    I had been going to the same church for my entire life up until this point. It was a big change looking for a new church.
  • Moved Houses Again

    Moved Houses Again
    We moved again to a bigger house that was in a different neighborhood because the family was bigger and I was going to start highschool soon and we lived in the district of a high school that was not looked well upon.
  • Started After School Activities

    Started After School Activities
    I started doing things like volleyball, cross country, and science olympiad and that started taking up a lot of my time. My parents had to drive me to all of my activities and were supportive by showing up at performances and competitions.
  • Started Watching Cousins Weekly

    Started Watching Cousins Weekly
    My aunt and uncle needed someone to watch their kids so my family started watching their kids two times a week. They were young kids so it was like having two new siblings.
  • Got My First Phone

    Got My First Phone
    This felt like a really big moment. I got a phone going into high school so my parents could easily get in contact with me during the day.
  • Started Getting Involved in Theatre & Moved Schools

    Started Getting Involved in Theatre & Moved Schools
    I went to the same elementary and middle school because they were in the same building so coming into a high school knowing very few people were very different. I also started getting involved in theatre by auditioning for my first show and immediately got hooked on how amazing it made me feel. My parents had to drive me to rehearsals and help me with anything else related to theatre.

  • Moved Again

    Moved Again
    We moved right before/at the beginning of covid. This changed my bus route and caused some stress moving and hoping that I could get to know some people in my new neighborhood.
  • Started Color Guard

    Started Color Guard
    Color Guard has been a huge part of my life in the past two years and this was the year that I had to start getting to know the people in the group and understand what the activity would require of me both mentally and physically.
  • Will Graduate High School

    Will Graduate High School
    I am going to be graduating at the end of the year and heading to college after that. I will be the first child to leave for college in my family.