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About me timeline

  • Born

    I was born on 8/2/01, late in the evening at Bay city hospital.
  • First Christmas.

    First Christmas.
    Not much more to explain. First christmas. Yay.
  • 1st-5th birthday

    1st-5th birthday
    YAY birthday!
  • Period: to

    1st-5th birthday

    YAY Birthday!
  • Max

    i got my first cat max. Max .A. MIllion.
  • Firt day of school

    Firt day of school
    when i turned six, i was old enough to go to school. In first grade, i met my best friend Olivia. me and her sre still friends to this day.
  • Cops!

    After school picture day, in first grade,I decided to after school go to my friend kenna's house. when i didint come home, my mom called the police. My mom (& the police) found me, but kenna mooved soon after that, and I havent seen her sence.
  • Allie

    In april, my mom's friend, Delores, got a call about a cat trapped in her house. D was in jamaca, so she called my mom. we got her out. and now she is ours!
  • Zildgen!

    One of my mom's friends moved to Jamaca, and she had an albino huskie, named ZIldgen, that she gave to us. He was the best dog ever. I could write PAGES on how much I loved him.
  • Mooved into Davisburg.

    Just before b & mom got married, we mooved into his house.
  • Didney World!

    In the summer of 2011, my 4 cousins, my aunt, uncle, grandma, mom, step-dad & I went to disney world.
  • My mom got married!

  • Zildgen passed away...

    Zildgen had to be put down. I.... I dont like to talk about it cuz ill get depressed....
  • Max died.....

    sometime in july, my beloved cat max died. It wasnt that it was unexpected, he was old and his physical shape was getting worse and worse every day. one day i came home and he was lying on the floor soaked in his own pee, twitching. it was soo sad, my mom and I decided to put him to sleep the next day. i dont want to say anything else or i might cry.
  • Devorce...

    MY mom came to me with the news that she and brian where devorcing. I was devastated.
  • Made this "facinating" timeline!

    This timeliline may not be the most exciting, detaled, or acurate timeline. But at least its honest.