
About Me

  • Losing my pug Gus

    Losing my pug Gus
    This was a bad event in my life cause Gus was my dog, and he had got hit by a car.
  • Getting a fine

    Getting a fine
    Getting caught by the cops.
  • Getting a job

    Getting a job
    This way I had my own money
  • License

    I could drive myself places
  • Getting a car

    Getting a car
    This way i didnt have to ask to use someone elses
  • Flex Mod

    Flex Mod
    I absolutely hate the new schedule, its difficult with conflicts.
  • Confirmation

    Finished all my classes for church.
  • Car accident

    Car accident
    Crashed my car in the winter
  • Tearing all the ligaments in ankle

    Tearing all the ligaments in ankle
    Had to wear a boot for 2 months
  • Senior Year

    Senior Year
    Last year of highschool