about me

  • • Visiting someone important to me

    my grandma she was best gradma ever almost evert day i got to see her
  • my best friend

    my best friend
    me and her was best friend when i was 10 years old she was a great friend.
  • • Taking a trip

    my frist trip i took was greatwolf loge i went with my hole my family i had a blast
  • • Starting a new school

    when i was in 5th grade i moved schoolsand i went to colmbia i love that school
  • • Getting a puppy

    my puppy is named bentle and he so cute we love love him so much.
  • • Getting a new family member

    my cousen had a baby and his name is dylan
  • • Visiting someone important to me

    my anunt her name is anunt sliva she has 4 kids she is nice anunt to me she is the best .