First Steps
My first steps are not personally memorable but my parents remember that day very clearly. This marked a significant milestone in my physical development as a child. Being able to walk began to give me more independence which also helped my emotional development. -
First time on figure skates
The first time on figure skates was an important time for me because it became an important part of my life for the next 10 years. The first time my parents put me on skates I was around 2 years old. The skill came very naturally to me. I refused my parents help and wanted to skate around the entire rink by myself. -
First Vacation - PEI
My first vacation to PEI was with my parents, my brother and my grandparents. It took us 2 days to drive from Kitchener to PEI. While there we stayed in a house and explored the island. I feel this helped my intellectual development because it was one of the first times I began to explore a world. -
First Skating Competition
My first skating competiton marked the start of my competitive skating career. I was so nervous to begin the competition. Competing in skating competitions I feel has elped my social development and physical dvelopment because the competitons helped me get out of my comfort zone by being confident and interacting with new people as well as keeping me physically fit. -
First Plane Ride - Florida
My first plane ride to Florida was very memorable because i remeber being so nervous to board the plane. I was terrified that the plane was going to crash. Once i landed for the first time i loved going on planes. -
Grade 7 camp
Grade 7 camp marked a significant part in my social development. At this camp we participated in many team builder activities with our cabin roomates that made us open up and become close with one another. These activities forced me to open up my friend group and make connections and relationships with new people. -
First day of highschool
My first day of highschool was another milestone in my social development, Coming from school which had 500 students to a school with almost 2000 students at the time was a huge shock. Being seprated for people who were usually in my classes caused me to create new friendships which I will remeber for the rest of life. -
Grade 11 Trip
This trip was my first trip out of province without my parents. On this trip I met many new people as well as reconnected with some people I had not seen in a while. -
First University Acceptance
My first letter I recived saying i was accepted to university was an exciting moment. My first acceptance was to Laurier for their teaching program. This marked a stage in my intellectual development because upon reciving this letter i knew that i would now be going to school so i can get a career compared to simply reciving an education. -
Grap Trip - Cuba
The grad trip to Veradero Cuba marked my first international trip. It was also my first time flying without my parents. On this grad trip with 38 other graduates from forest heights was a memorable moment for everyone. On this trip every became so close with one another as well as making many new friends from other schools in the process.