Abbies Timeline!!! 9:

  • 1996 I was born

    1996 I was born
    On March 28th 1996 I was born at Markham Stouffville hospital.
  • Puppy!!!

    My family and I decided that it was time to get a dog, we were all very excited to get one but at first we didn't know what kind of dog to get, we knew that we wanted a water dog because we have a boat so we decided to get a Portuguese Water Dog so we all drove to Ottawa and get one, we named her Zoe!!!
  • Another doggie!!!

    Another doggie!!!
    We already had our dog Zoe but we thought that it was time to get another dog, we knew this time what breed to get all we needed was a dog, eventually my mom found someone who was giving away puppies. With a couple of weeks seeing all the puppies we knew which dog we wanted. This time we decided to go with a boy and we named him Wayne!!!
  • Graduating Elementary School!

    It was imporant for me when I graduated because it let me know that another chapter closed in my life and I was ready to move on to the next one. Graduating was one of the best days of my life because I got to have such an amazing night with my friends (Martin, Hayley and Lea) that would be going to different high schools.
  • When I saw my unlce

    When I saw my unlce
    This is a very important part in my life because I had only seen my uncle last when I was 7 and I missed him a lot. When my unlce came down from Alberta it was very exciting for me not only because I haven't seen him in so long but also because I met his girlfriend, and we also went to the one place that he always wanted to go, the zoo!!!
  • First Job!

    First Job!
    I decided that before school ended that I should start thinking about getting a job. I wanted a job mainly because of the money but I also knew that it would be a good experience for me to get out in the world and find something to do besides sitting at home on the computer. :$
  • Going to Georgia!

    Going to Georgia!
    Going to Georgia was really fun for me not only was it the first time that I had ever left the country but because I was going to see one of my dogs go to a dog show!
  • Going to see One Direction in concert!!!

    Going to see One Direction in concert!!!
    Going to see One Direction in concert was probably one of the best moments in my life, not only did I go and see one of my favourite bands but I also went with my closest friends Shelby, Cassidy, Ashley and I met there friend, Katie.