
Aareon's Life

By aareon_
  • infancy(birth-1 year) Trust vs. Mistrust

    infancy(birth-1 year) Trust vs. Mistrust
    At this age, I spent 100% of my time with my mother because I was her first child(now she has 2 other demons). I trusted her more than anyone, she fed me when I was hungry, she changed my dirty diapers, she played with me, she talked & sang to me, she never let me down. At this age my mother was my best friend. I didn't trust others because they didn't feed me, or change my diapers or sing to me like my mother did.
  • Toddlerhood(1-3 years) Autonomy vs. shame & doubt

    Toddlerhood(1-3 years) Autonomy vs. shame & doubt
    At the ages of 1-3 I started to want to do things for my self & actually doing things on my own. I could finally walk, talk, & feed myself. I probably doubted myself as i couldn't do certain things on my own, like tying my shoes or writing my name.
  • Preschool(3-6 years) Initiative vs. guilt

    Preschool(3-6 years) Initiative vs. guilt
    This age, I was beginning school. I didn't really take the initiative into making friends like other kids. Taking the initiative was not my thing. Guilt fell into place when i did a bad thing, got in trouble and actually realized i shouldn't have done it.
  • Elementary(6-puberty) Industry vs. inferiority

    Elementary(6-puberty) Industry vs. inferiority
    On Feb. 8, 2010, my baby brother Collin was born. This was a big change in my life. But it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned many things about kids. I learned how to change diapers, feed him & help my mother when she needs it a little. I always wanted to help even when my mom didn't need my help.
  • Adolescence(teen-20's) Identity vs. role confusion

    Adolescence(teen-20's) Identity vs. role confusion
    This is me now. As a teen, i tend to get confused ALOT. i can't go through life without asking questions on what to do next. I'm still figuring out who i am & who i want to be & what type of life i would like to lead.
  • young adulthood(20's- early 40's) intamacy vs. isolation

    young adulthood(20's- early 40's) intamacy vs. isolation
    I would be in between intamacy & isolation. I can be a very friendly person but most times I'm reserved & quiet. I like to make friends but I'm not really into taking the step into trying to be someone's friend. Maybe wen I'm in my 20's, moving up in adulthood, i'll figure out whether i want to be intimate or isolated.
  • Middle Adulthood(40's-60's) Generativity vs stagnation

    Middle Adulthood(40's-60's) Generativity vs stagnation
    I will take the generative position at this time in my life. I plan on having kids & giving back to the community. I want to raise my children to always think about others and go out & do things to make their mark. I plan on being a doctor because i would love to help people who need it & make someone else's life better or healthier.
  • Late adulthood(late 60's & up) Integrity vs. despair

    Late adulthood(late 60's & up) Integrity vs. despair
    I think & hope by this age, I will have a sense of integrity when i look back on my younger years. I plan on being a big part of my community help & trying my best as a doctor to keep my patients healthy & keep my children & husband happy.