I am Born
When me and my twin sister were born we were a month premature and only weighed 5 lbs. My parents were both immediately involved in our lives and fed us a lot so we could gain the weight we needed. This tought me to trust them and love them from the moment I was born. -
Period: to
Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, and Industry vs. Inferiority
I start walking
This is a significant event because it is a sign that I am in my critical period and I am developing well. I learn to walk and talk relatively fast and can soon communicate with my parents and sister and walk around all by myself even though I am just 10 months old. This teaches me autonomy. -
My little sister is born
This was a significant event in my life because the addition of a new baby to our family lead me to become more independent and do things for myself. I became more autonomous. -
My first day of 1st grade
Because I had been home schooled in kindergarten, going to 1st grade at a new school was very uncormfortable for me. It was also the first time even that I was separated from my twin sister, Alex. I did not talk for the first 2 months of the schoolyear, even to answer questions. However, I eventually did learn to take initiative, and by the end of the year had made many friends. -
Period: to
Adolescence: Identity vs. Role Confusion
I am first told that I have Major Depression Dissorder
I had had symptoms of Depression and Anxiety since I was 11, but in 8th grade it worsened dramatically and I was taken to a phsiciatrist and diagnosed. I did not know at the time because I did not have a developed sense of self, but as I grew and learned how to deal with the illness, it would become a key part of my identity, teaching me emotional resilience and enabling me to look at life with different perspectives. -
I Finish Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
This was an extremely significant event in my life because my life took a complete turn for the better after I had finished therapy. Before this happened, I was very mentally unstable because I was stalked by a young man with anti-social personality disorder my sophmore year and had been left tramatized by the experience. The therapy got me back on track and gave me the skills I needed to deal with my emotions so I could continue to develop and find a sense of self. -
Go to College
Going to Bryn Mawr College is event is significant because it will be a big step into becoming an adult. I will continue to develop my identity as I further educate myself and decide what carrer I would like to have. -
Period: to
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Study Abroad and Live in Ireland for a Year
During college, I want to study abroad in Ireland for a year. This will be a significant event because it will be a kind of "going back to my roots" experience. My family is from Ireland and I think that living there for a while will help me further develop my identity. -
Finish Graduate School and get a job as an environmental engineer
This will be a significant event because one's career is a big part of their identity. Being able to do a job that you like and you feel is meaningful is also a key part in feeling you have lived a meaningful life. -
Get Married
Getting married is a major event in my life as a young adult. Marriage allows me to gain intimacy by having a close relationship with someone who I will love and share my experiences with for the rest of my life. -
Period: to
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Start doing yoga
I pick up yoga in order to make sure that I am fit and help myself stay healthy while I am pregnant. However, I end up liking yoga a lot and find it spiritual. This spirituality helps me develop myself and morality. -
Have a Baby
This is a significant event because it too will teach me intimacy. I will become a mother and know what it is like to love my child unconditionally and help and watch him grow into a human being. -
I become get a head posoition at my environmental engineering job
This is an important event because having a good position for my job leads me to feel that I am doing something good in my life and being who I want to be. -
Period: to
Generativity vs. Stagnation
My son turns 10
On my son's 10th birthday I am reminded how much he has grown and feel proud of him and of myself for raising him. Raising him gives me a sense of purpose in my life as well as love. -
My son goes to college
My husband and I are both sad but also happy and proud of our son when he goes off to college. We miss him but also are able to spend a lot of time together become more intimate. -
Go on a Family Trip to Asia
My husband and now 16 year old child all go on a trip around Asia. This experience is significant because I get to see different cultures and further develop my sense of self as well as spend time with my son who is in his adolescent stage and finding his identity. -
Period: to
Generativity vs. Stagnation
My Mom Dies
This is a significant event because I will learn to deal with death and except it as a normal human event that happens to everyone when they grow old. It will cause me to reflect on my own life and remind me that I need to be ready to die when the time comes. -
My son gets married
My husband and I attend my son's wedding. We are very happy for him and remember what it was like when we got married. -
Period: to
Integrity vs. Despair
I have twin grandchildren
My son and his wife have twins and my husband and I become grandparents. We love our grandchildren a lot. This is also the first time we start realizing that we are becoming old and are a little worried. -
I retire
Retiring is significant for me because I no longer have work and am able to spend more time with the people I love but also have to find things to do so I feel life I am still using my time wisely and living a full life. I need to find integrity so I do not despair. -
Period: to
Integrity vs. Despair
My husband and I go mountain climbing in the alps
This event is significant because it gives me and my husband more time together and experiences together to remind ourselves how much we love each other even though we are growing old. It also leaves us with a sense of accomplishment and integrity to be able to still be healthy enough to mountain climb allthough we are growing old. -
I paint
I decide to start to paint. This is sugnificant because it gives me a hobby that I enjoy and I identify myself as an artist. It also makes me feel accomplished that I can make beautiful art. -
My husband and I move to Vermont
My husband and I decide to move to a small house in Vermont so we can be close to family and also live quietly and peacefully as we get older. The people there are nice and we make new friends. -
Period: to
Integrity vs. Despair
I am told that I have heart problems
This is significant because it makes me realize that I am old and cannot do everything that I used to. I look back on my life and think of everything that I have done. I learn to accept that people die and my life was meaningful and so I am not sad or afraid. -
I die
Letter that I wish to be read after my death:
Dear friends and family,
Life and death go hand and hand, you cannot have one without the other. So do not mourn my death; it is a part of life and I do not fear it.
One of the greatest questions ever pondered by man and one that I have wondered a lot myself is, "What happens after you die?". There is no better way to find the answer then to swallow your fear of death,embrace it when it comes, and see where it takes you.
with much love,