The day I was born
I was born on July 15, 2006 at 2:30 A.M. . My mom said all my cousins were there to see me. She told me they all held me and they tell me that they remember when i was just a baby, now i'm taller than my mom. -
My first birthday cake! :3
In 2007 I had my first birthday party,I also have a picture of it.When I saw the picture for the first time I saw my sister next to me my mom told me we shared that birthday but had different cakes. I had a Spongebob and Patrick cake. -
Birthday cakes! :3 :D
When I was 3 my mom told me something about my birthdays she said that I have always had a cake on my birthday up till now.This year I didn't want to do anything for my birthday. -
My mom and me were looking at pictures and I saw a picture of me when I was 3 or 2 years old at my sisters school. Then I went to the same school as her until 5th grade. -
Valery! :3
When i was 4 i met my best friend Valery,We went to the same same school also in 6th grade but this year she's at Linden McKinley. Valery is the first person i have called my best friend she's very helpful and funny and caring. Me and Valery call each other sisters because we've known each other for so long. -
When I was 5 my mom's friend's son showed me to Minecraft. I would go over their house just to play Minecraft. Eventually, I got into Minecraft, I still play it ill this day, my favorite game is still Minecraft. -
1st grade
In 1st grade I wasn't so so nervous because Valery was there with me so it wasn't that bad. I made a lot of friends Valery. Valery is the person i have known the longest i see her as a sister. -
Second Grade
In 2 grade I made a lot of new friends we all would eat lunch together. We also use to always hang out with each other. -
Moving :(
During 2014 my mom and dad were talking about moving next year. Eventually we did end up moving in 2015 -
My first pet bird
On my birthday at the new house I asked my parents for a dog they said yes so we went to the pet store and looked for one with my big brother. We looked around and I saw a bird and its feathers had a few colors on them I thought it was really cool and I asked my mom if I could get it they said yes and I got my first pet. -
My first big party! :D
When I turned 10 my parents threw my a big party in a ballroom the color theme was pink and so i got a dress that was pink. They also got me a new laptop because somebody broke my last one. -
The big news! :D
In 2017 my sister told me she was gonna have a baby! I was so excited and happy. -
The New Baby!!!
In February 26th of 2018 my baby nephew was born at 2:26 A.M. I was so happy he was here. They named him Santiago, but we call him Santi. Now he is turning 7 months in 5 days, we are teaching him how to crawl and he already has 2 small teeth! -
School!! :D
I started school at Mifflin Middle School, where I met amazing people and made friends. I met one of my favorite teachers her name is Mrs. Ross she is really funny and nice! <3