A Not So Secret Life As Disclosed Without Inebriation

  • Birth

    Parents requested the assistance of the town Witchdoctor. After many herbs, chanting, uterine massages, watching the moon, and six years of reproductive hardship, I was born. Location:Catarman, Philippines.
    Labor Time: nearly two days., 7:20-7:30am
  • Period: to

    Current Lifespan

  • I see dead people

    Swear I saw the ghost of my great great grandmother before the death was announced. She was walking around barefoot and strolled through a window. Was not old enough to attribute this to psychedelic drugs.
  • Cat Saves Life

    My only friend was a cat that I talked to and dragged around by the neck. Which, the cat went along with willingly. Wandered off one day and was attacked by a large venomous snake. Cat jumped in and took 4 hours to kill the snake.
  • Farm Sold, Family moves to US

    To free of himself of a decision to agree with the Rebel Army or become pro government, my dad leaves his job as a veterinarian and finds work in the U.S. This time, as a factory worker. Family crams into a small apartment with 3 or 4 other family members. One of them, a crazy cocaine user named Uncle Gary who provided childcare in mother's absence. Nice one, mom.
  • Sickness

    Became sick with Pnemonia. Parents didn't take me to the hospital. Missed the first few weeks of school. Was unable to walk for weeks. Hallucinated more often than not. Believed people were walking through walls and that strange old people were talking to me in my sleep.
  • Escapes Molestation

    was locked in a small hallway with the girl next door and some crazy Child Molester. For some reason, had no fear. Friend was frantic, broke a window, child molester (who bore a striking resemblence to George Michael) fled the scene. Zarah was forced to describe man from height to the hot cut off shorts.
  • Losing My Religion

    After being lectured on the evidence of spaceships in the Bible by my dad and countless documentaries on history and alien influences, I decided that Catholicism and everyone else was trying to brain wash me. Became a deist first before becoming an Agnostic Atheist.
  • Period: to

    Private Art Lessons

    studied painting with a private teacher.
  • High School

    Went to an all girl's catholic High School. Became severely depressed. Hung out with the Goth Kids. Dressed all in black. Not for long though.
  • Period: to

    Suffered from Insomnia

    had vivid dreams of shadow people, being choked in sleep, and floating out of body. difficulty falling asleep or wanting to sleep.
  • Job at a Movie Theater

    Became interested in movies and Quentin Tarantino after working at a hole in the wall movie theater in Chicago. Learned to work an old school projector.
  • Behavioral Therapy Sought

    Severely depressed teenager, which isn't uncommon. Was medicated. Suicidal tendencies. Had trouble feeling human.
  • First Kiss

    finally kissed a boy. often, several times in public and in the subway. same boy. he is now an illustrator and is still a punk.
  • Period: to

    Film and Photography School

    screenwriting, black and white photography
  • CineStory Screenwriting Scholarship Winner

    Cinestory Screenwriting Scholarship Winner for a 30page screenplay about a guy who fails several suicide attempts. Gets off of medication cold turkey. Bad and good idea.
  • First boyfriend

    considered in this timeline as "worst decision ever." abusive. played the guitar. Didn't speak to family during this time period and moved around Chicago from 1999- 2002 was engaged to be married.
  • The Army and Arlea

    Spent Birthday in "Reception" where the army teaches you how to march and shoots you up with "flu shots and placebos." Yeah right. Met a girl named Arlea who, due to fate and being paired alphabetically, became my assigned battle buddy and friend for life. Without her, I couldn't have passed basic training. Came back home before moving on to advance training which was never completed. Decided to list myself as "Buddhist" on my dog tag to protest being buried as a Catholic in case of death.
  • Breaks up with First Boyfriend

    kicks the asshole out. he steals $5000 from my father, and moves to China where he knocks up a girl and gets married. break up considered on this timeline as "best decision ever."
  • Period: to

    Graphic Design School

    Feared by all entering Competitions. school competition whore. done more so out of boredom.
  • Zarah goes crazy... with Freedom

    Family decides to move to the suburbs. Makes friends, partied, attained fortitude through alcohol. Vows to never get married.
  • Not-So 2nd Boyfriend

    Briefly "dates" ex-marine who after a few months leaves for Iraq to become a contract worker. dated him because he liked to clean his sheets and but I disliked his love of Tom Cruise. shrug I had no legitimate reason or soulful connection.
  • 2nd Boyfriend: The Doctor

    Decides to stop partying and dates a cardiologist. Drinking does not die down.
  • Breaks up with Doctor

    Saw the impending doom of marriage. Did not want to marry The Doctor. Broke up with Doctor.
  • Father Tries to Liberate Research Animals

    my dad tries to liberate resarch animals that the university decided to euthanize. he was told to bring them back to the facility or face jail time. he brought them back. was fired. and then got a job in Korea cloning cows and mice.
  • "Dates" the Ex-Marine. Again.

    Break up not clear with 2nd boyfriend. Messy situation. Ex-Marine comes back from Iraq. Commitment free relationship for a few months. broke it off.
  • Junkie

    Became a pool hall junkie. Worked at pool room/cafe. Unhappy with office jobs. Decided not to have a career. Settles for $7.25 an hour instead of going corporate. Lived on spaghetti and yogurt.
  • 3rd Boyfriend

    Depressed waiter with an Attachment Disorder. This lasted 4 months.
  • Attempted Suicide

    attempted suicide by sealing off kitchen and sticking head in the oven. after years of working, the oven breaks and dies. suicide attempt a failure.
  • 4th boyfriend Prescott

    starts dating a comedian.
  • Period: to

    Quits pool

    burned out.
  • Meets Charlie Williams

    After quitting pool, my friend called me up and wanted me to photograph him playing Bustamante at a Dragon Promotions Event at the pool hall I used to work at. Charlie wanted the photographs. In exchange for photographs and artwork, he gave me a spot in the Predator Pro School event happening that weekend.
  • Wins 9 Ball Tournament Event

    won my cue at charlie's predator school. came back to pool.
  • Billiards KOREA & MANILA

    Was given the opportunity by Charlie Williams to play 3 cushion and pool for TV events in Seoul, Korea and the Philippines. Went also for a chance to see my father after years of being overseas.
  • Period: to

    Quit Pool 2nd time

    took a break from pool again. played very rarely. was going to give it up completely.
  • Disruption Homelife

    prescott's mother and brother move in with us. arguments increase. continuing with couple's therapy.
  • Coming back to Pool

    as a way of getting away from home, I went back to studying pool. Someone suggested I meditate. I couldn't do it at home, so I did it on a pool table while doing drills.
  • Major Decision to Move

    After a huge argument, I stayed with my friend Mili. She questioned me moving to California with my current relationship. I mulled it over for a few months. While practicing at the pool table, I flipped a coin. It was heads. So I decided to go with the move.
  • Move to LA

    I got rid of as much as possible and moved to LA with Prescott.
  • House of Billiards

    Randomly felt like shooting pool. Hadn't done it in two months or so. Met Mark at House of Billiards. He started to teach me. Mostly about spirituality but to him pool and zen is the same thing. I joined the league.