

By giako
  • Period: to

    First generation

    The computer was based on vacuum tubes and assembly language, was of a smaller size and had megnetic memories.
  • The ENIAC was invented

    The ENIAC was invented
    It is the first general purpose electronic computer in history.
    Designed and built at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, a former undergraduate school of the University of Pennsylvania, for the Ballistic Research Laboratory, a former United States Army research facility.
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  • Italian institutional referendum

    Italian institutional referendum
    The Italian Republic was born following the results of the institutional referendum, called for 2 June 1946 to determine the form of government following the end of the Second World War. For the first time in Italy, women also participated in a national political consultation: about 13 million women and 12 million men turned out to vote.
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  • Period: to

    Second generation

    The computer used transistors instead of vacuum tubes and assembly language, was of a smaller size and had magnetic memories.
  • Italy became a member of the ONU

    Italy became a member of the ONU
    Fifty nations gathered for the memorable San Francisco Conference (April 24 - June 26, 1945), while Italy was not invited to collaborate, not even as an observer. Months later, it was October 24 1945, the ONU was born.
    Our country, together with 15 other nations, officially joined the United Nations Charter only after a decade, it was December 14, 1955.
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  • The IBM Mainframe was invented

    The IBM Mainframe was invented
    The IBM mainframe computer, is used primarily by large organizations for data processing for tasks such as censuses and large-scale transaction processing. A mainframe computer is large but not as large as a supercomputer and has more processing power than some other classes of computers. Most large-scale computer-system architectures were established in the 1960s, but they continue to evolve.
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  • Period: to

    Third generation

    Computers of the third generation saw the introduction of a new electronic component: integrated circuits (or microchips). Dimensions were enormously reduced, but computers were still very large and cost-prohibitive .
  • Martin Luther King receives the Nobel Peace Prize

    Martin Luther King receives the Nobel Peace Prize
    Martin Luther King, Jr. receives the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice in America.
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  • Period: to

    Fourth generation

    Computers of the fourth generation were much smaller, faster, less expensive, and generally simpler to operate. Computers were based on the development on the first single-chip microprocessor at INTEL Corporation. These computers were pre-assembled and required little technical knowledge to operate.
  • Space crash for Apollo 13

    Space crash for Apollo 13
    "Houston, we have a problem."
    Two days after departure, when the spacecraft was about halfway between the Earth and the Moon, a liquid oxygen tank exploded, irreparably damaging the Odyssey, as the command module was called and depriving it of electricity.
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  • Soviet Union launches first robotic probe to land on the Moon, Luna 16

    Soviet Union launches first robotic probe to land on the Moon, Luna 16
    Luna 16 was launched on 12 September 1970 at 13:25:53 UTC. On September 20, after the technicians had studied the orbital parameters and performed two correction maneuvers, the spacecraft ignited the rocket to begin the descent and at 05:18 UT, the spacecraft made a perfect landing on the Moon. Luna 16 performed the first moon landing in our satellite's nocturnal hemisphere as the sun set 60 hours earlier.
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  • Period: to

    Fifth generation

    The fifth generation hasn't introduce any new electric components, but parallel processing, software package development, researches on AI (Artificial Intelligence), nanotechnology, natural language and Quantum Computation.
  • Pac-Man video game released

    Pac-Man video game released
    It all took shape in the mind of Tohru Iwatani, video game programmer for the Japanese Namco. One evening, in the company of friends, he was inspired by the pizza he had on his plate: a round shape interrupted by a space, created by a missing slice, which referred to the shape of an open mouth.
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  • John Lennon's assassinated

    John Lennon's assassinated
    A voice from the shadows "Mr Lennon!" and immediately after six gunshots, five in the back of John Lennon, who falls to the ground lifeless under the eyes of his wife Yoko Ono, at the entrance to the Dakota Building. A police patrol who rushed to the scene picked up the body of the wounded man and transported it to the nearby St. Luke's-Roosevelt hospital.
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  • IBM Personal Computer was invented

    IBM Personal Computer was invented
    It was marketed from September 1981 to April 1987 and was one of the first personal computers with a microprocessor.
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  • Apple launches the Macintosh

    Apple launches the Macintosh
    An elegant version of Steve Jobs presents the Macintosh 128k to 2,600 people, the most famous personal computer developed by Apple which ushers in a new era in the world of information technology: the Mac era!
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  • The Qubit was coined

    The Qubit was coined
    The terms "qubit " was coined by Benjamin Schumacher and appeared in his paper in the April issue of Physical Rewiew Letters.
    This term indicates the quantum bit or the unit of quantum information.
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  • Attack on the Twin Towers

    Attack on the Twin Towers
    The Al Qaeda organization hijacked four civilian flights. Terrorists hijacked by crashing two planes into the said Twin Towers.
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  • YouTube was born

    YouTube was born
    With the slogan «Brodcast yourself», YouTube makes its debut on the web, one of the first video sharing sites which in a few years comes to deserve the fame of TV of the third millennium.
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  • Google acquires Android

    Google acquires Android
    Google brings to its large Android family, an open source operating system for mobile devices developed by Startup Android Inc., a company founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White.
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  • The Euro comes into circulation

    The Euro comes into circulation
    A single currency enters circulation on the European market: the euro. All the countries in which this currency circulates is defined as the Eurozone.
  • Russia invades Ukraine

    Russia invades Ukraine
    Moscow's army violated Ukraine's national borders, initiating a large-scale unilateral invasion of the country. On 16 March, the International Court of Justice condemned the Russian military operations, ordering their immediate cessation and declaring the Russian motivations used to justify the invasion to be groundless and specious.
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  • Queen Elizabeth II dies

    Queen Elizabeth II dies
    Queen Elizabeth II has died at the age of 96. With her 70 years in power in the United Kingdom, she became the second longest-serving monarch in history.
  • Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 billion

    Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 billion
    Billionaire Tesla founder Elon Musk has become the new owner of Twitter, completing a sensational 100% takeover of the social media platform for $44 billion.
    The move has sparked a lot of controversy, especially when Musk began to rehabilitate the accounts of figures linked to the US far right, and conspiracy theorists, instead going to suspend the profiles of technology journalists who criticized his actions.
  • Period: to

    Sixth generation

    The idea is that of focusing on human-computer interaction (HCL), with the objective of reducing the gap between machines and human brain.