
A Brief History of Special Education

  • ESEA

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    PL 89-313
    First state-level grant program for schools that chose to provide special education programs.

    Ammendment in 1967 (PL 90-270) created the Bureau of the Handicapped
  • Rehabilitation Act Ammendments of 1973

    Rehabilitation Act Ammendments of 1973
    PL 93-112
    Created and funded the Vocational Rehabilitation Program.
    Included the first civil rights protection for disabled individuals.

    Education for All Handicapped Children
    PL 94-142 Signed into law.

    Ground breaking legislature that required public education for disabled children.

    This act includes special education, Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), due process, Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and many additions and amendments made later.
  • Section 504

    Section 504
    Part of the Rehabilitation Act
    States no person can be excluded from public schools or institutions receiving Federal funding because of a disability.
  • ADA

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Extended Section 504's reaches to include other parts of society.

    Prohibits discrimination in hiring and recruitment.
    Requires accomodations for disabled employees.
    Also prohibits discrimination and requires access provisions by public and private institutions.
  • IDEA

    Individuals with Disabilities Act PL 101-476
    Provides regulations for how agencies provide special education for disabled children. (Name change and readministration of EAHCA)
  • NCLB

    Reauthorization of ESEA
    Required states to develop standards for grades 3-8.

    Held schools accountable for the performance of their students.

    Requires "highly qualified" teachers.
  • New SLD Policies

    New SLD Policies
    [New Rules Powerpoint](dpi.state.wi.us/sped/ppt/ld-new-rule-12-1-2010.ppt) Changes were made to the way a student is recognized as special needs. The power point provides much more detailed information. The sunset period for this is over November 30, 2013, meaning that it will directly affect us as new teachers.