9D Personal Timeline 22

  • Fourth birthday

    Fourth birthday
    I had a party with my family and friends and we took a lot of pictures and video and i remember one of my mom’s friends coming up to me and giving me a “high four”
  • First Vacation

    First Vacation
    My family and I went to Haiti. It was me and my brother’s first time going there and i got to see my cousins and aunties and uncles grandparents it was a trip i would never forget
  • Violin recital

    Violin recital
    When I was about 7 I had my first violin recital. I remember being so nervous standing in front of everyone. I also remember playing so badly
  • Dance Show

    Dance Show
    I had a show for the first time and I was so excited to dance in front of everyone with my dance team. I clearly remember our uniforms it was black and green with a tiger in the back, and i remember my mom hating that uniform
  • Tenth Birthday

    Tenth Birthday
    I was so excited to turn the ‘big ten’. My mom got my friends to come over and i had a brunch styled birthday
  • Moving

    My brother and my mom and I moved from an apartment to a house. It took us about a week to move everything into the house
  • Junior high

    Junior high
    Going to junior high was a big thing for me i always talked about going to junior high when i was little
  • Vacation

    My family and I went to the U.S. to visit family and friends. We visited where we used to live and I saw our old house we used to live in when I was a baby.
  • Summer

    I like to say my summer was boring but it was actually really fun. I went to a lake house with my friends for the first time and I went to Sylvan lake for the first time with my friends.
  • New Sibling

    New Sibling
    My mom recently gave birth and now i have a new little sister and my brother and i are so happy we have a new addition to our family