9C Majo my life

  • Birth

    I was born in mexico city,really small and hairless.
  • Kindergarden

    it was my first time at the american school of pachuca at the 2 years old. i'm still here, this would be my 8th year at the american school of pachuca.
  • First time at Disneyland

    First time at Disneyland
    The first time at disneyland was on october, everything was with halloween stuff and i was really obsessed with princesses
  • First dog

    First dog
    I was really exited about my first puppy, i was really exited because i was waiting for him like for two months,i got him on summer i'm still with him.
  • Riding on bike

    Riding on bike
    It took like 2 days for me to learn how to ride a bike. my mom teach me but i use to ride with my dad, i dont ride bike very often.
  • Fist teeth

    Fist teeth
    My first teeth fall off when i was 6, i got it off by biting an apple, my mom bought me stuff for my teeth
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    My first communion was in the first week of 5th grade.
  • Brother's wedding

    Brother's wedding
    he´s divorced now, so....i dont care anymore because they are not together anymore,i was really happy at that time .
  • Going out of Primary

    Going out of Primary
    We went to explora with all the generation
  • First time traveling to Europe

    First time traveling to Europe
    I went 2 weeks to europe and had a great time.
  • Summer camp

    Summer camp
    Went to Boston to a summer camp.
  • Riding at first time

    Riding at first time
    I start to ride at a summer camp. Now i love it!
  • Going again to camp

    Going again to camp
    went again to the summer camp.
  • First Competition

    First Competition
    My first competition was great, i was really pumped becausse was the first one and i success