First month
Lifts head & turns it from one side to another when placed on stomach -
Period: to
Months of Development
Second Month
-Makes little sounds
-responds to more sounds and different pitches of voice -
Third Month
-Opens and closes hands
-holds head steadily when held up
-swipes at objects
-brings hands together -
Fourth Month, Feb.2011
-Shows preference for red and blue over yellow
-may begin to use vowels and consin consonants in babbling
-grasps rattle
-puts hands in mouth
-rolls from stomach to back -
Fifth Month
-reaches out and grabs toys
-turns head in direction of sound
-know positive speech from unhappy speech -
Sixth Month
-Passes a block from one hand to the other
-puts objects to mouth with hand
-may begin creeping
-recognizes basic sound of native language -
Seventh Month
-rolls over both ways
-sits up steadily
-stands with assistance
-can follow a path of moving objects with eyes -
Eighth Month
-pulls self up to standing
-bangs blocks together
-looks at objects with sustained attention -
Ninth Month
-Uses index finger to poke
-Puts objects in containers
-leans forward to pick up toy
-Notices small objects -
Tenth Month
-Crawls well
-Can put objects
-uses index finger to start pointing -
Eleventh Month
-walks while holding onto furniture or crib rails for support
-uses gestures like shaking head for no
-releases objects intentionally
-grasps with thumbs and forefinger -
Twelvth Month
-May walk a few steps alone
-stands alone for short time
-holds and drinks from cup