Breasha's Timeline

By breasha
  • The Day i was born

    I was Finally conceived (The time of infancy)
  • When i started to walk

    i was only 11 months (still in my infancy ages). My parents had been trying to teach me how to walk and they finally succeeded! i was learning motor development
  • It finally grew in!

    I was about to turn one and i grew my first tooth (i was still in infancy but on my way to childhood stages)
  • Jibber Jabber

    i started saying more fluid and complete sentences even though you could barely understand it (i was offically in my childhood stages) I was then learing perceputal development
  • hotty on wheels

    I was 5 years old learned how to ride my first bike, i feel a couple of times but i got it done pretty fast. i even started off without training wheels! I was a thug!! I was ini my childhood years and learning being able to do and learn more things
  • our first house!

    when i was six years old, me and my brother and my sister packed our things and moved with our parents into our first new house. we where in love!! i was in my childhood stages. In this stage i wanted the best of everything because all of my friends had more then me. My self-esteem wasn't very high.
  • Will you kiss me?

    this was the day of my first kiss the boy was 2 years older then me and he came over my house with his dad. we kiss (i hated it) and we went out for one day and i broke up with him the next. i was more immature and just wanted some attention from someone. my self esteem was pretty low
  • the day i met the bestie!

    i met my best friend!! she was the same age as my sister but a only a few months older. she started off shy but we grew to become the best of friends. She had a funny accient because she was from the country (Providence Ky). I was in my Concrete Operational Stage of life
  • We had to move on

    We parents and the kids had to move out of our first house because if we didn't then the house could have caught on fire (the house was old and it had bad wires). This was a very emotional time in my life because i knew that we had to move from out of a house into an apartment.
  • Does this mean im a women?

    I started my period when i was only in the 5th grade. i was 10 years old and alot more mature then the kids in my class. This was more of my mature childhood stages
  • I love him!

    i had my first 5th grade crush. this is when my hormones began to change. I thought i was so in love! I was in a attachment stage at the time
  • the first blunt

    i was about to be a sophmore and i felt all big and bad my friend invited me over to his house so we could smoke some weed and of course i said yes! i will never forget that day. i think in my teenage years i was finding my inner party self. i was leaning more towards adolesence at this time
  • It Is true?

    a few months later me and the girl decide to go out. we've now been together for 11months and counting. to be honest i never would have thought that i would even been with a girl or even think about girls like that but for some reason shes the only exception. I've found myself over the years and im happy. In this stage im no longer confused
  • what am i thinking??

    this was the first time i actually kissed a girl. at this point i was finding myself. my whole high school career i never had a boy show me any attention so i thought it would be right to find attention from the same sex. At this stage i was more confused then anything
  • a New year

    i am now 16 and im happy with every flaw and accopmlishment i have been through, my confidence is higher and i have no worries about what people think. i live life to the fullest and im more outgoing and out spoken. through everything ive been through life is good. in this stage im becoming more mature and leaning more towards late childhood and early adulthood