My Life

By ruaix
  • My Birthday

    When I was born my older sister wanted to name me Jordan from the band member from New Kids On the Block but my mom wanted to name me after my dad but spelled different.
  • Period: to


    All I remember is getting my first haircut between this time and i cried.
  • Infancy

    I was 2 almost 3 and then came along my little sister, who is now 15. Around this time, I remember getting my first haircut, and I cried.
  • Childhood

    Around this time I started pre-school at somewhere in evansville but after I graduated a few years later they tore the whole building down and then when i was 7 i started puberty.
  • Adolescence

    This is when I was 13 and I was going through depression and I had to go to the hospital for the first time for it.
  • Adulthood

    This is when I turn 18.
  • Death

    I'm assuming this will be around the year i die unless some freak accident or sickness happens to me.