7C Personal Timeline 15

  • The Beginning of My Tale

    The Beginning of My Tale
    This was when I began, the day I was well.. alive now.
  • Period: to

    Me Being Alive

    The time I've been alive so far (testing timespan)
  • A Simple Start 2 the Internet

    A Simple Start 2 the Internet
    I discovered the internet because of nursery rhymes and educational videos on Youtube.
  • New Country, New Home!

    New Country, New Home!
    I moved to Canada for a new home thinking it was a vacation.
  • Brand New Space!

    Brand New Space!
    After moving into Canada, we moved into an apartment which was our new home.
  • Racket of Opportunities!

    Racket of Opportunities!
    My parents thought it would be fun to enroll me for a sport to get me working since I'm lazy.. really lazy. So I got enrolled in badminton! Had fun learning.
  • It’s About Time!

    It’s About Time!
    Went to the US as a vacation to visit my family and my parent’s friends & ex co-workers and I went to the places I’ve always wanted to go.
  • A New Threat..

    A New Threat..
    I went through a global pandemic that affected all of us still to this day, causing to change all of our lives entirely.
  • Goodbye Apartment, Hello House!

    Goodbye Apartment, Hello House!
    We finally moved into a house after the apartment couldn’t store our items anymore.
  • Sad Ending

    Sad Ending
    I graduated from Grade 6, causing me to lose my friends since I am switching divisions for Junior High.
  • Home Alone.. Wait where have I heard that from?

    Home Alone.. Wait where have I heard that from?
    I finally got to stay alone at home. It felt powerful knowing I have the entire house for myself and relieved that I don’t have to go with my parents on every shopping trip.