I was born
I was born on Octber 29, 1995. But did you know that I was born around daylights savings, so I don't know exactly when I'm born? My parents decided to settle for 2:00am. -
Period: to
Vincent Hong's Life
I was born on 29 October 1995 and still alive on 20 September 2010 -
I graduated Kindergarten at Richmond Hill Montessori School
My parents sent me to a montessori school when I was very young for a good education foundation. I think that it paid off. Hopefully... -
My grandmother passed away
I was 6 years old when it happened. But I think I was too young to understand what was going on at the time. Now I realize that it affected me a lot, making me more obeient. -
I went to Vietnam in grade 3
At Vietnam, I met relatives that I had never ever met before. I didn't even know that I had them. I also discovered an entirely new lifestyle there, not exactly for the best. This made me cherish the things I had. -
I got my first Straight A report card
It was in grade 4, and at the time, I had a sudden "smart" boost. Everything in academics jsut went up. I think that this experience made me enjoy feeling proud of my achievements and made me strive for success. -
I moved from Richmond Hill to Cornell in grade 5
This affected me greatly since I moved away from friends that I had been with for 5 years of my early life. This also taught me how to be social and make new friends. -
I moved from Cornell to Markham in grade 8
This was a really exciting moment in my life because eventhough I moved into Markham, I would be going to high school with my childhood friends at Richmond Hill -
I graduated Elementary school at Buttonville PS and won the Character Matters Award
This event made me happy, because eventhough it was only my first year at Buttonville PS, I still got an award. Also, graduating into highschool made me start worrying about my future, what career would I have, what kind of education would I get, and so forth.