Got my first animal
when i was born i got my first pet.It's a Bird"Africian Grey" it's still alive to day its 13 years old His/Her name is CrackerJack. -
My dachsund
My g-mas dog shes been with us for 5 going to be six years in 2011 she'll be 6 in human years on oct 13 2010.Her name is Prceus -
Her name is Brandy The Tailless Dog.We named her that because when she was born she had no tail she is a Pincher -
This is my dog his name is ceacer.We named him after the little ceacers pizza.He is a Jack Russell -
My Dacshund puppies
These little girls are the most play fullest things you could want they were born on may 18,2010. we had to give them away on july 13,2010.There name are Dixie and Daisy. -
My cat
Her name is Allie.She is going to be 1 year old on september 15,2010.She is a Toadfoot